Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


critical to calcium metabolism, requires ultraviolet (UV) light. If not enough UV
light penetrates the skin, children develop a disease called rickets. Mutations that
decrease skin pigmentation likely had a selective advantage in the north because
they enhanced vitamin D synthesis [39]. Mutations at several loci that lighten the
color of the skin appeared and spread to high frequency under strong selection
(FIGURE 5.12). Different alleles at different loci were selected in different popula-
tions: the alleles that cause light skin color in Asia are different than those that
cause it in Europe. It is no accident that human populations farthest from the
equator have very light skin: it is an adaptation. But like many adaptations, light
skin comes with a cost. The increased pigmentation in African skin provides an
increased sun protection factor (SPF) of 10 compared with white skin. People with
light skin suffer higher rates of skin cancer.

Chance and adaptation: The probability that a
beneficial mutation spreads
Our discussion so far might lead you to think that if a beneficial mutation appears
in a population, it is certain to spread by natural selection and become fixed. But
that is not true: chance also plays a role. Consider an adult who is heterozygous
for a mutation that increases the probability of survival. If he or she has two off-
spring, there is a 50 percent chance that the mutation will not be passed to the first
offspring, and a 50 percent chance that it won’t be passed to the second offspring.
No matter how large a survival benefit the mutation gives, there is a 25 percent
chance that it will leave no descendants in the next generation. This example
shows how an allele can be lost through the random segregation of alleles dur-
ing meiosis. Other factors also contribute to the chance that the allele will be lost:
even if it increases survival on average, any particular individual who carries the
allele might not survive.
This example shows just one aspect of an important evolutionary process called
random genetic drift. As you will see in Chapter 7, drift is particularly important
in small populations, but it plays a role in very large ones as well. When an allele
first appears in a population by mutation, it is represented by only a single copy. It
may be lost by chance then, or in a later generation while it is still rare. Population
genetic theory shows that the probability that a single copy of a new beneficial
mutation will survive and become fixed in the population is

Pr(fixation) = 2s (5.5)

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_05.12.ai Date 12-29-2016

The red portion of
each pie diagram
shows the frequency
of the SLC24A5
allele for light skin color.

FIGURE 5.12 The “golden” gene (technically,
a locus called SLC24A5) contributes to light skin
color in European populations. Lighter skin results
from a nonsynonymous mutation that changes an
alanine to a threonine in the gene’s protein prod-
uct. Patterns of DNA polymorphisms around this
locus show that strong selection caused this allele
to spread when humans spread from Africa into
Europe. The cause of the selection was likely that
reduced sunlight in the north led to a deficiency
in vitamin D. Light skin color in other populations
(for example, Asians) results from mutations at other
loci. Inset: The arm of this book’s second author
after removal of a basal cell carcinoma. Increased
risk of skin cancer is a negative side effect of light
skin. (After [13].)

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