Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


The relative contributions that adaptation and drift make to the differences
among species vary dramatically among groups of organisms [8, 16]. In flies and
bacteria that have very large Ne, about half of the amino acid differences in the
proteins of closely related species evolved by positive selection, that is, by the fixa-
tion of beneficial mutations. The other half of the differences were fixed by drift.
The picture is very different for our own species: only 15 percent (and maybe less)
of the differences between the proteins of humans and macaque monkeys result
from adaptive evolution, and the rest accumulated by drift.
Drift can cause deleterious mutations to spread to fixation. We saw earlier that
human effective population size was roughly 10,000 in our recent evolutionary
past. As a result, many mutations that reduce fitness by s = 10–5 became fixed in
our genomes [1]. The fixation of deleterious mutations is a well-known problem in
the small populations of animals and plants in zoos [10]. The same problem can
also contribute to the extinction of natural populations. The decline of fitness by
the fixation of deleterious mutations in a small population is called the inbreeding
load. (Note that the inbreeding load is distinct from inbreeding depression, which
is the loss of fitness of offspring from parents that are closely related compared
with offspring from unrelated parents; see Chapter 10.) An isolated population of
the adder Vipera berus had fewer than 40 individuals and was highly homozygous
[24]. Females had unusually small litter sizes, and many of their offspring were
deformed or stillborn. Twenty adult males were introduced from other populations,
left to interbreed with the residents for 4 years, and then removed. Soon after, the
population size rebounded dramatically (FIGURE 7.15). The snakes from the other
populations reintroduced the nondeleterious alleles that had been lost by drift,
which led to increased survival of offspring.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_07.14.ai Date 11-14-2016 01-18-17 01-24-17






–1 0 1





Ne s

Ne = 10,000

Ne = 1000

Relative xation probability

  • 10 –4 0 10 –4



Selection coefcient, s



FIGURE 7.14 (A) The probability that a single copy of a mutation becomes fixed depends
on its selection coefficient (s) and the effective population size (Ne). Here we assume that
the relative fitnesses of A 1 A 1 , A 1 A 2 , and A 2 A 2 genotypes are 1, 1 + s, and 1 + 2s. The x-axis
shows the product of Ne and s. The y-axis shows the fixation probability relative to that of
a neutral mutation (whose fixation probability is 1/2Ne). For mutations with |Ne s| << 1, the
fixation probability is very close to that of a neutral mutation. (B) Hypothetical distribution
of fitness effects for new mutations. When Ne = 10,000, mutations with fitness effects in
the range –10–5 < s < 10–5 (shown in gray) evolve almost neutrally. (C) With the same distri-
bution of mutation effects as in (B) but with Ne = 1000, the range of mutations that evolve
almost neutrally expands to –10–4 < s < 10–4.

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