Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

in a shark. But while the protein’s similarity does not correlate with the habitat that
these animals live in, it does correlate strongly with their phylogenetic relations.
Fossils show when the most recent common ancestors of these animals lived. The
number of differences between the hemoglobins of two species correlates very well
with the age of their most recent ancestors. These data show that changes in hemo-
globin molecules accumulate in time at a nearly constant rate. FIGURE 7.18 shows
plots in which differences in DNA and protein sequences between humans and nine
other mammals are compared with the time since our most recent common ances-
tors. Again, there is a very strong correlation between divergence time and sequence
differences. The figure also shows that different types of changes accumulate at dif-
ferent rates: synonymous differences build up about five times more rapidly than
nonsynonymous differences. But while these two types of changes evolve at differ-
ent rates, within each type the rate is quite constant.
Genes and proteins that evolve at roughly constant rates provide us with molec-
ular clocks. We use these molecules to learn about the evolutionary histories of
species that left no fossils. The idea is simply to count up the number of amino acid
differences between the hemoglobins of two species, then use a plot like that in
Figure 7.18 to estimate when their most recent common ancestor lived (see Figure
2.17). This strategy can be used with many proteins other than hemoglobin, and
with DNA sequences as well as amino acid sequences. Extensions of this approach
that use more sophisticated statistical analyses are the main tools used to construct
the phylogenetic tree of life that links all species on Earth (see Chapters 2 and 17).

The neutral theory of molecular evolution
What could explain the relatively constant evolutionary rates of molecules that
evolve in a clocklike way? Motoo Kimura, one of the giants in the history of evo-
lutionary biology, proposed the neutral theory of molecular evolution. One of the
many predictions that flows from that theory is that random genetic drift will cause
genes to evolve at relatively constant rates [17]. Kimura thought that beneficial
mutations are so rare that they make only a trivial contribution to the molecular
differences among species. Instead, Kimura believed that the vast majority of those
differences result from the fixation of neutral mutations (those with s << 1/Ne).
What does this theory imply about molecular clocks? Consider a locus that is
evolving by drift in two species that split apart t generations ago. We sample one
copy of the gene from each of the species. In the branch of the gene tree that leads
from the first species back to the most recent common ancestor of the two species,
on average μn t mutations will have occurred, where once again μn is the rate at
which neutral mutations occur at the locus per generation. Likewise, on average
μn t mutations will have occurred on the branch leading back from the second spe-
cies. If the amount of time, t, is not too long, there is a negligible chance that a
mutation will happen twice at any single DNA site. We therefore expect that the
total number of differences between the two copies of the gene, d, will equal the
total number of mutations that have occurred along the two branches. That is simply

d = 2 μn t (7.2)

Thus for genes that are accumulating differences by drift, the number of differ-
ences between two species is proportional to the time since their most recent com-
mon ancestor. This gives us a molecular clock: a linear relation between time and
divergence, consistent with what we see in Figure 7.18.
Recall from earlier in this chapter that purifying selection reduces the neu-
tral mutation rate. Equation 7.2 predicts that if most differences among species
are selectively neutral, sites in the genome that are free of purifying selection will

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_07.18.ai Date 11-14-2016 01-18-17 01-24-17

Substitutions (per site)










100 200









Divergence time (My) based
on fossil record

400 500




FIGURE 7.18 Molecular clocks based on
three kinds of data run at different rates.
The x-axis shows time since the most
recent common ancestor of humans and
nine other vertebrates, as determined
from fossils. The y-axis plots the number of
amino acid substitutions (dA), number of
synonymous DNA substitutions (dS), and
number of nonsynonymous DNA substitu-
tions (dN) per site between humans and
those species, based on 4198 loci. Hu-
mans are compared with: 1 = chimpanzee,
2 = orangutan, 3 = macaque, 4 = mouse, 5
= cow, 6 = opossum, 7 = chicken, 8 = west-
ern clawed frog, 9 = zebrafish. (After [29].)

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