Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
268 CHAPTER 10

that none of those individuals will leave any offspring. In a sexual popu-
lation, recombination can regenerate that class of high-fitness individu-
als. But that does not happen in an asexual population (except in the
unlikely event of back mutations from a deleterious to a beneficial allele).
Each time the most fit genotypes fail to reproduce, the population’s
mean fitness is ratcheted downward. It can never recover, and in prin-
ciple this process can lead to the extinction of an asexual species.
Asexual species are thought to be so rare because some combination
of these forms of selective interference and the Red Queen hypothesis
drives them to extinction rapidly, while sexual species are much more
likely to survive. The same factors that favor sexual over asexual spe-
cies can cause selection for changes to recombination rates within the
genomes of sexually reproducing species. Recombination rates can
evolve by several mechanisms, for example changes in the frequencies
and locations of crossovers during meiosis. The details are beyond this text, but
the underlying principles are much the same: factors that favor sexual over asexual
species tend to favor increased recombination within sexual species.
Selective interference is particularly severe in asexual populations because they
have no recombination, but it also occurs in sexual populations. Within a species,
some parts of the genome have high recombination rates, while others have low
rates. Using data on the polymorphism within species and the differences between
species at protein-coding loci in Drosophila melanogaster, the rate of adaptive amino
acid substitution can be estimated for different parts of the genome. The data show
a clear pattern: adaptive evolution is fastest in regions with high recombination
rates (FIGURE 10.26) [10].
The human sex chromosomes give a graphic example of the evolutionary conse-
quences of giving up recombination. The Y chromosome originated from a recom-
bining X chromosome some 180 million years ago, and then ceased to recombine
with the X [13]. From that point onward, the Y chromosome has evolved asexually,
like the mitochondria that are passed through the female lineage. Meanwhile, the
X chromosome continues to recombine in females. As various forms of selective
interference caused the Y chromosome to degenerate, it lost almost all of the 2000 or
so genes and more than 60 percent of the DNA carried on the X [32]. As a result, we
now see dramatic differences between the X and Y chromosomes (FIGURE 10.27).

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_10.26.ai Date 12-15-2016 01-25-17

Rate of adaptive substitution
0 2 4
Recombination rate (cM/Mb)





FIGURE 10.26 Selective interference in
Drosophila melanogaster decreases the
rate of adaptive evolution in regions of the
genome that have low recombination rates.
The x-axis shows the recombination rate
(in centimorgans [cM] per megabase [Mb]
of DNA); regions of the genome with high
recombination are to the right. The y-axis
shows a measure of the rate of adaptive
amino acid changes in proteins. Genomic
regions with higher recombination rates
have higher rates of adaptive evolution.
(After [10].)

FIGURE 10.27 The human sex chromosomes,
as seen in a scanning electron micrograph. The
Y chromosome (at left) does not recombine.
Selective interference caused it to degenerate
from an ancestor that was much like the X chro-
mosome (at right).

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