The Evolution of Life Histories, by S. C. Stearns
(oxford University Press, oxford, 1992), and
Life History Evolution, by D. A. Roff (Sinauer
Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2002), are com-
prehensive treatments of the topics discussed
in this chapter. Among theoretical treatments,
Evolution in Age-structured Populations, by
Brian Charlesworth (Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK, 1994, is a key reference.
See Robert D. Holt, “Evolution of the ecological
niche” (pp. 288–297 in The Princeton Guide to
Evolution, edited by J. B. Losos, Princeton Uni-
versity Press, Princeton, NJ, 2014) for an out-
standing introduction to this topic. The most
comprehensive treatment of the evolution of
niche width is by D. J. Futuyma and G. More-
no, “Evolution of ecological specialization”
(Annu. Rev. Ecol. Systemat. 19: 207–233, 1988).
A more recent review, focused mostly on her-
bivorous insects, is “Revisiting the evolution
of ecological specialization, with emphasis on
insect-plant interactions,” by M. L. Forister and
colleagues (Ecology 93: 981–991, 2012).
- Female parasitoid wasps search for insect hosts
in which to lay eggs, and they can often dis-
criminate among individual hosts that are more
or less suitable for their offspring. Behavioral
ecologists have asked whether or not the wasps’
willingness to lay eggs in less suitable hosts var-
ies with the female’s age. on the basis of life his-
tory theory, what pattern of change would you
predict? Does life history theory make any other
predictions about animal behavior? - Suppose that a mutation in a species of annual
plant increases allocation to chemical defenses
against herbivores, but decreases production
of flowers and seeds (i.e., there is an allocation
trade-off). what would you have to measure in a
field study in order to predict whether or not the
frequency of the mutation will increase? - in many species of birds and mammals, clutch
size is larger in populations at high latitudes than
in populations at low latitudes. Species of lizards
and snakes at high latitudes often have smaller
clutches, however, and are more frequently
viviparous (bear live young rather than lay eggs)
than are low-latitude species. what selective fac-
tors might be responsible for these patterns? - Compared with most other mammals, primates
and bats have lower fecundity and a later age at
first reproduction. why might that be?
5. Shrimps of the genus Pandalus mature as males
but later in life change into females. The shrimps
are commonly fished with nets that tend to
capture large individuals. How do you predict
that these shrimps will evolve in response to the
selective removal of the largest and oldest indi-
viduals in their populations?
6. Suppose you are studying an organism that
shows strong signs of declining health and
reproduction late in its life. what are two
hypotheses that could explain this drop in fit-
ness? How might you distinguish between them
7. why are species of weedy plants more likely to
be r-selected than K-selected? why are most
species with large body size K-selected? what
other general patterns of lifestyle are associated
with either r- or K-selection?
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