Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

T HE EvoluTion of GEnEs And GEnomEs 359

you start reading.) Overlapping genes are found in viruses and bacteria, and much
more rarely in eukaryotes, including humans. The selective advantage of overlap-
ping genes is debated. One hypothesis is that the overlapping arrangement allows
the genes to share their timing and level of expression. A second idea is that they
are favored because they allow the genome to be streamlined.

Chromosome Evolution
Before the rise of molecular genetics in the late twentieth century, much of what
we knew about evolutionary genetics came from studying chromosomes using the
light microscope. Species differ in their number of chromosomes and in how the
genes are arranged on them. The karyotype consists of the number and structure
of the chromosomes. How do changes in the karyotype evolve? Although many
questions are not yet answered, several patterns have emerged.

Fissions, fusions, and the evolution of chromosome number
The most common way for the number of chromosomes to change is when two
chromosomes fuse, reducing the haploid chromosome number by one, or when they
fission, increasing the number by one. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, but
all of the other great apes have 24 pairs. At some point since our lineage split from
that of chimpanzees, two chromosomes fused. That mutant chromosome spread
throughout our species, resulting in the second-largest chromosome in the human
karyotype. We do not yet know what caused it to spread: it may have had a boost
from positive selection, or it may have simply drifted to fixation.
We do, however, have a good idea about how fissions and fusions evolve in
the house mouse (Mus musculus). Here karyotype evolution is on the fast track:
changes in chromosome number are evolving at rates hundreds of times faster
than in most other mammals [50]. Populations can have anywhere between 11 and
20 chromosome pairs. What accounts for this chromosomal chaos? The answer
seems to be meiotic drive and selection that has favored selfish
genes rather than the fitness of individuals [54]. During meio-
sis in females, one haploid set of chromosomes is transmitted
to the egg while the other set enters the polar body, where it
dies (FIGURE 14.15). When a female mouse is heterozygous for
a fusion, the fused chromosome competes with the two unfused

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_14.15.ai Date 02-02-2017



Polar body has
stronger spindle



Egg has
stronger spindle

0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fraction of unfused chromosomes


Number of species





FIGURE 14.15 Female meiotic drive can favor chromosomes that chromosomes
are either fused or unfused. During meiosis, one haploid set of chro-
mosomes enters the egg while the other enters a polar body, which
dies. (A) It is hypothesized that in some populations and species, the
polar body has a stronger meiotic spindle than the egg (left). In in-
dividuals that are heterozygous for a fused chromosome and its two
unfused homologues, the unfused chromosomes are more likely
to attach to a polar body spindle, giving an advantage to the fused
chromosome. In other populations and species, the egg has a stron-
ger spindle, which favors the unfused pair of chromosomes (right).
(B) Consistent with the meiotic drive hypothesis, mammals tend to
have either most of their chromosomes fused or most unfused. The
bars show the frequencies of unfused chromosomes in the genomes
of 1170 species of mammals. The dots show the distribution ex-
pected if pairs of chromosomes fused independently of each other,
which is the null hypothesis in the absence of meiotic drive. (A after
[66]; B after [54].)

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