Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
362 CHAPTER 14

Genomes large and small
The staggering diversity seen across the tree of life extends all the way down to
the level of the genome. The record for the smallest known genome is held by a
DNA virus (porcine circovirus type 1), with only 1759 bp that code for just three
proteins. The smallest genome for a bacterium is an insect symbiont called Nasuia
deltocephalinicola, with just 137 coding genes and about 112,000 bp [6]. At the other
end of the spectrum, the prize for the largest genome is held by the amoeba Chaos
chaos that you met in this chapter’s introduction—it has 400 times more DNA
than we do [18]. There is substantial variation in a genome’s DNA content even
within some species: it differs by up to 30 percent in Drosophila melanogaster [9].
The largest number of genes in any organism so far known is bread wheat, with
about 100,000 genes, which is five times more than in Homo sapiens. Our species,
with 3.2 billion DNA bases and about 20,000 protein-coding genes, has neither an
unusually large nor small genome for a multicellular organism.
These numbers bring into bright relief an apparent disparity between genome
size and any subjective measure of organismal complexity (for example, number
of types of tissues). Patterns emerge, however, if we divide organisms into major
groups of life and then plot the amount of DNA devoted to coding for proteins
against the genome’s total size (FIGURE 14.18). Across viruses and prokaryotes,
there is nearly a one-to-one relation. In animals and plants, however, the correla-
tion is much weaker: species with similar amounts of coding sequence can differ
dramatically in the sizes of their genomes.
These patterns begin to make sense with a single key insight. The genomes of
most bacteria and viruses consist almost or entirely of coding sequences. In ani-
mals and plants, by contrast, most DNA does not code for any protein. The amount
of noncoding DNA varies tremendously among species and explains much of the
scatter in the genome size of metazoans. The different types of DNA in the human
genome are seen in Figure 14.15. Less than 2 percent codes for proteins. About 25
times more—fully half of the genome—is taken up by the DNA parasites that we
will now discuss.

Genetic parasites and transposable elements
Transposable elements (TEs), also called transposons, are short sequences of DNA
that occur in many copies in the genome. The most numerous TE in the human Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
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1 10 100 1000




0.01 0.1
Genome size (Mb)

Coding sequences (Mb)


DNA viruses




FIGURE 14.18 The relation across the tree of life between a
genome’s total DNA content and the amount of its sequence
that codes for proteins. The three dashed lines indicate the
percentage of the genome devoted to coding sequences.
Viruses and prokaryotes have little or no noncoding DNA, so
nearly 100 percent of their genome is coding sequence. In
contrast, the genomes of most animals and plants are made
up largely of noncoding DNA, which varies greatly in quantity.
In some species, less than 1 percent of the genome is coding
sequence. Unicellular eukaryotes show an intermediate pat-
tern. (After [43].)

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