Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
372 CHAPTER 15

Such changes account for a great deal of morphological evolution. For example, an
increased rate of elongation of the digits accounts for the shape of a bat’s wing com-
pared with the forelimbs of other mammals (see Fig ure 2.9); an elephant’s tusks are
incisor teeth that have grown faster and for a longer time than the other teeth.
Allometric growth is often described by the equation y = bxa, where y and x
are two measurements, such as the height and width of a tooth or the size of the
head and the body. In many studies, x is a measure of body size, such as weight,
because many structures change disproportionately with overall size. An allo-
metric relationship is often represented logarithmically as log y = log b + a log x.
The coefficient a describes the relative growth rates of features y and x (FIGURE
15.2). If y increases faster than x, as for human leg length relative to body size,
a > 1 (positive allometry); if y increases more slowly than x, as for human head size,
a < 1 (negative allometry). Allometric variation is seen both within species (as the
beetles in Figure 15.2 illustrate) and among species. For example, species of deer
show positive allometry between antler size and body mass; the largest deer, the
extinct Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus), had spectacular antlers (see Fig ure 1.9).
Heterochrony [22, 45] is broadly defined as an evolutionary change in the timing
or rate of developmental events. One of the best known instances is an evolutionary
change called paedomorphosis, in which some characteristics of the adult of a
species may have a more juvenile form than in the species’ ancestor. One way
paedomorphosis can happen, called neoteny, is seen in the axolotl, a salamander
that grows to full size but does not undergo metamorphosis, as most salamanders
do. Instead, it reproduces while retaining most of its larval (juvenile) characteristics
(FIGURE 15.3).
Heterotopy is an evolutionary change in the spatial position of a feature within
an organism. Often, it is expressed at an additional, novel position. As we will see,
this can result from the expression of specific genes in novel parts of the developing

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
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20 40 60 80 100

(2) b = 2, a = 1

(3) b = 0.32,
a = 3/2

(4) b = 2.2, a = 2/3

(1) b = 1, a = 1








(A) Arithmetic plots

1 2






Log 10 x Female Males



(B) Logarithmic plots

y = bxa

FIGURE 15.2 Hypothetical curves showing various allometric growth relationships
between two body measurements, y and x, according to the equation y = bxa.
(A) Arithmetic plots. The curves 1 and 2 show isometric growth (a = 1), in which y is a
constant multiple (b) of x. Curves 3 and 4 show positive (a > 1) and negative (a < 1)
allometry, respectively. (B) Logarithmic plots of the same curves have a linear form. The
slope differences depend on a. Curves 1 and 2 have slopes equal to 1. When a >1, y
increases faster than x. The male stag beetles (Cyclommatus metallifer) at right show
positive allometry of mandibles, relative to body length. (Photos from [21].)

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