Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

EvoluTion And dEvEloPmEnT 391

the most sensitive to the colchicine treatment. Furthermore, the results strongly
reflected evolutionary trends: salamanders have often lost postaxial digits during
evolution (FIGURE 15.25C), and frogs have repeatedly experienced preaxial digit
reduction. We do not know if postaxial reduction would ever have been advanta-
geous to any frogs, but any such evolution would have had to overcome a develop-
mental barrier.
Developmental studies are beginning to shed light on some constraints. Among
birds, swans have longer necks with more vertebrae than do ducks and most other
birds. But almost all mammals—from whales to giraffes—have seven cervical
(neck) vertebrae (see Figure 3.21). One might well suppose that a giraffe would
profit from more. However, a study of abnormal vertebrae in deceased human
fetuses and infants showed that the vertebrae have been homeotically trans-
formed: a cervical vertebra, for example, often has the shape and ribs of a thoracic
vertebra. These transformations are typically associated with malformations of the
skull and face and of the heart, lungs, and other organs, evidently due to pleiotropy
[77]. These harmful pleiotropic effects may have limited cervical vertebra evolution
in mammals.

Phenotypic Plasticity and Canalization
The correspondence between genotypic differences and phenotypic differences
depends not only on the effects of genotype, but also on environmental conditions
that may affect the developmental expression of the genotype.
The reaction norm of a genotype is the set of phenotypes that genotype is capa-
ble of expressing under different environmental conditions, and can be visualized
by plotting the genotype’s phenotypic value in two or more environments (FIGURE
15.26A–C; see also Figure 6.25). In some cases, a single genotype may produce
different phenotypes in response to environmental stimuli, a phenomenon called

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_15.26.ai Date 02-02-2017

E 1 E 2



2 z


2 z


2 z



E 1 E 2




E 1 E 2





Reaction norm
of a genotype




14 ° 21 ° 26 °

Mean number of bristles

FIGURE 15.26 (A–C) Genotype × environment
interaction and the evolution of reaction norms.
Each line represents the reaction norm of a
genotype—its expression of a phenotypic char-
acter (the states expressed are labeled z 1 and z 2 )
in environments E 1 and E 2. The arrows indicate
the optimal phenotype in each environment.
(A) The genotypes do not differ in the effect of
environment on phenotype; there is no G×E
interaction. The optimal norm of reaction can-
not evolve in this case because no genotype
matches the arrows. (B) The effect of environ-
ment on phenotype differs among genotypes;
G×E interaction exists. The genotype with the
norm of reaction closest to the optima in E 1 and
E 2 (red line) will be fixed. New mutations that
bring the phenotype closer to the optimum
for each environment may be fixed thereafter.
(C) Selection may favor a constant pheno-
type, irrespective of environment, resulting in
canalization. (D) The number of bristles on the
abdomen of male Drosophila pseudoobscura
of ten genotypes, each reared at three differ-
ent temperatures. The variation indicates a G×E
interaction. (D after [24].)

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