Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


■■Evolutionary developmental biology (EdB) seeks
to integrate data from comparative embryology
and developmental genetics with morphologi-
cal evolution and population genetics, and to
determine how changes in genes are expressed
as changes in phenotypes. understanding the
molecular mechanisms by which genes, together
with environment, produce phenotypes helps us
understand how phenotypes evolve. mutational
changes in the genes that produce a develop-
mental pathway may cause advantageous altera-
tions of the phenotype, so both the phenotype
and its underlying genetic network evolve. The
mechanistic proximal causes of phenotypes com-
plement the ultimate causes of allele frequency
change, such as natural selection, in understand-
ing the evolution of form.
■■m any differences among species are due to
heterochronic and allometric changes in the
relative developmental rates of different body
parts or in the rates or durations of different life
history stages. Some characteristics have evolved
by heterotopy, expression at a novel location on
the body. The modularity of morphogenesis in
different body parts and in different develop-
mental stages facilitates such changes.
■■The vast diversity of multicellular eukaryotes is
largely due to diverse uses of a toolkit of genes
and developmental pathways that are conserved
across wide phyletic ranges.
■■d evelopmental pathways include signaling
proteins, transcription factors, cis-regulatory
elements and structural genes. Evolutionary
change in the regulatory connections among
signaling pathways and transcription factors, and
between transcription factors and their targets,
is believed to underlie much of the phenotypic
diversity seen in nature. morphological variation
within and among species may be caused by
changes in either regulatory or protein-coding
sequences, although regulatory changes may
play a larger role.
■■A gene may have many cis-regulatory elements
(enhancers) that bind different transcription
factor proteins and can be expressed in diverse

tissues or at different times in development.
Some cis-regulatory elements have originated
from transposable elements, but most of them
have evolved by mutation in their sequence.
Changes in their interactions with transcription
factor genes can alter the time and place of their
activity. Evolution of the coding sequence of a
transcription factor can change its developmental
■■d uring evolution, genes and developmental
pathways have often been co-opted, or recruit-
ed, for new functions, a process that is probably
responsible for the evolution of many novel
morphological traits. This process results from
evolutionary changes in functional connections
between transcription factors and cis-regulatory
■■m odularity among body parts is achieved by
patterning mechanisms whose regulation is often
specific to certain structures, segments, and life
history stages. modularity helps different parts of
the body develop divergent morphologies (e.g.,
differences among segments). Pleiotropic effects
of genes that affect functionally interacting char-
acteristics may evolve, resulting in the evolution
of functional modules (phenotypic integration).
■■Genetic and developmental constraints can make
some imaginable evolutionary changes unlikely
to occur.
■■Based on changes in the expression of certain
genes and developmental pathways in response
to environmental signals, a single genotype may
be expressed as an array of different pheno-
types, the genotype’s norm of reaction. Reaction
norms are genetically variable, and so can evolve
by natural selection. Especially if the environment
varies, phenotypic plasticity may evolve. Con-
versely, selection for a constant phenotype can
result in canalization. Genetic assimilation is the
genetic fixation of one of the states of a pheno-
typically plastic character. it is not known how
important genetic assimilation is in evolution; nor
is it known if adaptation may occur first by a non-
genetic phenotypic change that later becomes
genetically fixed by natural selection.


allometric growth
alternative spliicing

DNA methylation

biology (EDB)

gene regulatory
genetic assimilation
genetic toolkit

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