Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

T HE EvoluTion of BiologiCAl DivERsiTy 499

they require specific environments and so may have patchier dis-
tributions. Second, species with broad geographic ranges tend to
have a lower risk of extinction because they are not extinguished
by local environmental changes [24]. They also have lower rates
of speciation [34], probably because they have a high capacity for
dispersal and perhaps broader environmental tolerances.
Major groups characteristically differ in how long species
persist before they become extinct. For example, the average
duration of a species of bivalve (clams and relatives) is 23 My,
whereas it is only 10 My for a gastropod (snails and relatives)
and 7 My for a sea urchin [43, 69]. Leigh Van Valen wondered
if within any such group, older species might be better adapted
than young ones (because they had had more times to adapt)
and less prone to extinction [73]. The result would be a declin-
ing extinction rate [41]. This can be determined by plotting the
fraction of taxa (e.g., the fraction of genera in a family) that
survive for different lengths of time. This approach is different
from asking whether or not extinction rates have changed over
the course of geological time (e.g., whether they were lower in
the Jurassic than in the Devonian). If new taxa have the same
probability of extinction as older ones, then the proportion of
component taxa surviving to increasingly greater ages should
decline exponentially. Plotted logarithmically, the survivorship
curve would become a straight line. If taxa become increasingly
resistant to causes of extinction as they age, the logarithmic plot
should be upwardly concave, with a long tail (FIGURE 19.9A).
When Van Valen plotted taxon survivorship in this way,
he found a surprising result: rather straight curves, implying that the probabil-
ity of extinction is roughly constant (FIGURE 19.9B). There was no evidence that
these animals became more resistant to extinction over time. Instead, this is what

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_19.08.ai Date 02-02-2017

Origination probability

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Extinction probability








Living orders Extinct orders

FIGURE 19.8 Groups of marine organisms vary in volatility.
The rate (probability) of origination of new families within
an order, per time interval, is correlated with the rate (prob-
ability) of extinction of families. More volatile orders, with
higher rates, have higher turnover, and so are more likely to
decrease greatly or become extinct, as the trilobites (upper
drawing) did. Most living orders, such as orders of gastropods
(lower drawing), have low rates of origination and extinction
compared with extinct orders (After [25].)

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_19.09.ai Date 02-02-2017


Age of taxon Age of taxon (My)

Number of surviving taxa

(A) Hypothetical curves




0 50 100 150


Number of surviving taxa

(B) Ammonoids





Age of taxon (My)

0 50

Genera surviving (%)

(C) Crinoids





extinction rate

extinction rate

FIGURE 19.9 Taxonomic survivorship curves. Each curve or
series of points represents the number of taxa that persisted in
the fossil record for a given duration, irrespective of when they
originated during geological time. (A) Hypothetical survivorship
curves. In a semilogarithmic plot, the curve is linear if the prob-
ability of extinction is constant. It is concave if the probability
of extinction declines as a taxon ages, as it might if adaptation
lowered the long-term probability of extinction. (B) Taxonomic

survivorship curves for families and genera of ammonoids. The
plot for families suggests an extinction rate that is constant with
age, whereas the plot for genera suggests that older survivors
might have a lower rate of extinction. (C) Taxonomic survivorship
curves for two groups of Paleozoic crinoids (sea lilies), sessile
echinoderms that filter plankton with branched arms. Older
genera in these two groups, which differ in their filter structure,
have lower extinction rates. (B after [73]; C after [6].)

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