Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

T HE EvoluTion of BiologiCAl DivERsiTy 501

Both abiotic and biotic environmental conditions were probably very different
after mass extinctions than before. Perhaps for this reason, many taxa continued
to dwindle long after the main extinction events [32], while others, often members
of previously subdominant groups, diversified. For example, the rate of origination
of genera of bivalves increased after the K/Pg extinction and has remained high
ever since. New genera have arisen mostly in tropical latitudes, so ongoing recov-
ery from the mass extinction has affected the geographic pattern of diversity that
exists today (see Chapter 18) [37].
Stephen Jay Gould suggested that there are “tiers” of evolutionary change, each of
which must be understood in order to comprehend the full history of evolution [26].
The first tier is microevolutionary change within populations and species. The second
tier is “species selection,” the differential proliferation and extinction of species during
“normal” geological times, which affects the relative diversities of lineages with dif-
ferent characteristics. The third tier is the shaping of the biota by mass extinctions, which
can extinguish diverse taxa and reset the stage for new evolutionary radiations, initi-
ating evolutionary histories that are largely decoupled from earlier ones.
Richard Bambach and colleagues found some support for Gould’s idea when they
classified Phanerozoic marine animal genera by three functional criteria: whether
they were motile or nonmotile, whether they were “buffered” against physiological
stress (with well-developed gills and circulatory system, such as crustaceans) or not
(such as echinoderms), and whether or not they were predatory [5]. With respect
to all three kinds of functional groupings, the proportions of taxa with alternative
characteristics remained stable over intervals as long as 200 My, even though the
total diversity and the taxonomic composition of the marine fauna changed greatly
(FIGURE 19.10). However, shifts from one stable configuration to another occurred
at the ends of the Ordovician, Permian, and Cretaceous, suggesting that the extinc-
tion of some taxa permitted the emergence of new community structures.
No truly massive extinction has occurred for 66 My; even the great climate
oscillations of the Pleistocene, though they altered geographic distributions and
ecological assemblages, had a relatively small impact on the diversity of life. But it
is depressingly safe to say that a major extinction—perhaps the next mass extinc-
tion—has begun (see Box 22B). The course of biodiversity has been altered for the
foreseeable future by human domination of Earth, and altered for the worse. With-
out massive, dedicated action, humanity will suffer profoundly, and much of the
glorious variety of the living world will be extinguished.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_19.10.ai Date 02-02-2017

Q: Should x-axis be changed to (My) for consistency with other gures?

Motile animals

Nonmotile animals


Proportion of marine genera







Time (Mya)

500 400 300 200 100 0

C O S D C P Tr J K Pg Ng

Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic

FIGURE 19.10 Changes in the pro-
portions of genera of motile versus
nonmotile marine animals during the
Phanerozoic. The proportions were
roughly stable (dashed horizontal
lines) between mass extinctions,
but shifted rapidly to a new stable
state after mass extinction events at
the end of the Ordovician, Permian,
and Cretaceous (solid vertical lines).
Similar changes (not shown here) oc-
curred in the proportions of preda-
tors versus nonpredators and of
animals thought to be physiologically
buffered versus unbuffered, based
on anatomical criteria. (After [5].)

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