Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
528 CHAPTER 20

characters with distinct identities, distinguishable from other mammalian teeth or
bones [112]. Variation in some features may be hard to classify as one or the other—
but this is true of many distinctions in biology, such as cell types or species.
This distinction bears on one of the fundamental concepts of evolution: homol-
ogy. The forelimbs of various tetrapods, including the one-toed legs of horses, the
flippers of whales, and the wings of birds and bats, have long been recognized as
homologous, despite their many differences in form and function (see Fig ure 2.9).
Their structure is shared among tetrapods and is attributed to common ancestry. But
the same fundamental structure is seen in hindlimbs (where the femur corresponds
to the humerus, the tibia to the radius, and so on). The similarity between these seri-
ally repeated structures (which has long been called serial homology) suggests that
a similar genetic-developmental program is expressed in different parts of the body,
just as it is expressed in different species that have inherited this program from their
common ancestor. Wagner referred to this similarity, based on a common genetic-
developmental program, as biological homology [79, 111]. This is a broader concept
than the more commonly used concept of homology in systematics, where charac-
ters are defined as homologous if and only if they have been inherited from common
ancestors. In fact, a character might be biologically homologous in two species even
if their common ancestor did not express the feature. Recall (from Chapters 2 and 16)
that characters that have been “lost” in a lineage sometimes have been regained (e.g.,
the aquatic larval stage in salamanders). These cases may represent the reexpression

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.10.ai Date 12-28-2016

(A) (B)

Late 3rd instar larva - pupa transition

hth, n-Exd
Hth, n-Exd


Late 3rd instar (late prepupa)


Leg development Horn development

FIGURE 20.10 The genetic toolkit that is shared by many animal
phyla includes regulatory gene circuits that underlie the devel-
opment of diverse features. A “limb program” that includes the
Distal-less (Dll) gene contributes to the development of diverse
outgrowths from the body wall. (A) Arrows point to developing
tube feet in a larval sea urchin. Each dark spot is the expression of
Dll in a tube foot. The lower photograph shows the developed
tube feet of a mature echinoderm, here a sea star. (B) Dll is one
of several genes that regulate the development of both legs and

horns in scarabaeid beetles. The upper diagrams show that be-
neath the body wall of the pupa (black line), the adult body wall
(blue line) develops, and forms outgrowths (in multiple colors)
that become a leg or a horn. The lower diagrams show the corre-
sponding parts of the fully developed leg in the adult and horn
in the pupa. The horizontal black bars indicate where various
genes are expressed. Some of the genes that are expressed in
leg development are also expressed in the horn. (A upper photo
courtesy of G. Boekhoff-Falk; B drawings from [78].)

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