Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


of a genetic-developmental program that had been reduced or unexpressed in the
species’ ancestors. The same phenomenon is seen in “deep homology,” a term Neil
Shubin and colleagues use to describe genetic regulatory pathways that may be
widely inherited and independently expressed in different evolving lineages, and that
may contribute to morphologically disparate features [96]. For example, homologues
of the Pax6 gene initiate the development of eyes in arthropods, vertebrates, and other
animals, and a genetic pathway governed by the Distal-less gene is the basis for many
structures (such as legs and horns) that originate in diverse
phyla as evaginations from the body wall (FIGURE 20.10).
Novel characteristics are generally thought to be based
on new regulatory interactions among previously uncon-
nected genes [10, 55], which Wagner terms character
identity networks [112]. Different states of a biologically
homologous character, then, share the same fundamental
network, together with some genes that may be included
in the network in some species but not others. A striking
example is the evolution of sex combs in the genus Drosoph-
ila [55]. These are groups of highly modified bristles on the
tarsus (foot) of male flies that are used to hold or contact
females. Species vary greatly in the number, shape, and spa-
tial arrangement of the bristles and in how they are used
(FIGURE 20.11). The development of cells into sex combs
depends on the male-specific splice form of the transcrip-
tion factor doublesex (dsx), which is expressed in parts of
the developing tarsus due to information provided by many
signal pathway genes. Within these regions, dsx and a Hox
gene called Sex combs reduced (Scr) are expressed and form a
positive feedback loop: Scr activates dsx expression, and dsx
affects the expression level of Scr. Scr is required to specify
the exact position of the sex comb and the number of teeth
(modified bristles), and dsx specifies the male-specific mor-
phology of the bristles. The expression of these genes differs
among species, and corresponds to the size and morphology
of the sex combs. These key genes regulate many down-
stream genes that determine exactly where and how the
modified bristles are formed. Thus, a new structure is based
on a novel genetic network of regulatory interactions among
several key genes, their control by upstream genes, and their
interactions with many downstream genes.

From Microevolution to
Rates of evolution
The rate of evolutionary change (i.e., change per unit of
time) varies greatly among characters, among evolving lin-
eages, and within the same lineage over time. In general,
the longer the time interval over which rates of evolution
are measured, the lower the rates are, because when the
interval is long, many short periods of rapid and reversing
evolution are averaged into a much slower net rate of evo-
lution (FIGURE 20.12A). Many characteristics have been
seen to evolve very rapidly in living populations, in which

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.11.ai Date 12-27-2016

Ancestral pathway New sex-specic pathway


Spatial cues




Spatial cues



Tissue rotation
Sex-specic bristle pattern
Bristle shaft morphogenesis

Melanogaster +
obscura clade

D. cusphila D. biarmipes

FIGURE 20.11 A model of evolutionary change in gene interac-
tions that underlie the differentiation of specific bristles into sex
combs in the melanogaster + obscura clade of Drosophila. The
photos are from two species that are related to D. melanogaster.
The left-hand image in each pair of photos shows transverse sex
combs on the tarsal segments; the right-hand image in each pair,
without sex combs, shows developing segments in which the
distribution of the Scr protein, detected by antibody staining,
is indicated by the dark areas. In the diagram of phylogenetic
history, ancestral regulatory interactions are indicated in black,
and new interactions in red. Ancestrally, drosophilid flies lack sex
combs; Scr is expressed in specific parts of the developing tarsus,
and organizes the development of the same bristle pattern in
both sexes. In the melanogaster + obscura clade, interaction of
Scr with dsx results in male-specific differentiation, and both dsx
and Scr regulate downstream genes involved in the processes
listed. (After [55]; photos courtesy of Artyom Kopp.)

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