Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
530 CHAPTER 20

rates are measured by comparing trait means over just a few generations (see
Chapter 6). It has been calculated that at these rates, evolution of body mass
from a 20-g mouse to a 2-million-g elephant would take fewer than 100,000
generations [22, 31]. But these high rates are not sustained for very long, and the
average rates of change calculated for fossil lineages are much lower. These rates
are measured by comparing means in the same lineage sampled at two points
in geological time that may be separated by many thousands or even millions
of years. Extinct populations were likely evolving as fast as living populations,
but their rates are averaged over longer periods, giving the appearance of slower
evolution. Josef Uyeda and colleagues compiled data on body mass of terrestrial
vertebrates, and found that the net change in body size within a lineage is the
same for both very short and much longer time intervals, up to 1 million years
(FIGURE 20.12B) [108].
But even these low rates can produce big changes, because the time spans are so
long. The body mass of the largest species in the horse family (Equidae) increased
by a factor of ten during the last 25 My (FIGURE 20.13). Data from the fossil record
show that the body mass of terrestrial mammals has been able to increase 100-fold
in about 1.6 million generations, and 5000-fold in 10 million generations [22].
The long-term rates of morphological evolution, as measured either in fossil lin-
eages or among living species, are usually so low that they almost always could be

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.12.ai Date 01-30-2017


Ratio of body masses

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Interval (years)






Field studies

Fossil time


Evolutionary rate (haldanes)

Time interval (generations)


1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107

10 –1

10 –2

10 –3

10 –4

10 –5

10 –6

10 –7


FIGURE 20.12 Rates of phenotypic evolution vary greatly, espe-
cially depending on the time interval over which they are mea-
sured. (A) This graph shows two important patterns. The first is
that the rates measured on living species (red dots) are hundreds
to millions of times faster than those seen in the fossil record (blue
dots). Rates are measured in haldanes (on a log scale). A haldane
is a rate of evolution equal to the change in the mean of a trait, in
units of standard deviations of change per generation. (See the
Appendix for a discussion of standard deviations.) The second
pattern is that the evolutionary rate is inversely correlated with
the time interval over which the rate is measured (shown on the
x-axis, again on a log scale). The inset images show some of the
species that appear in these data: for living species, house mouse
and guppy; for extinct species, Hyracotherium (an ancestral

horse) and Globorotalia (a foraminiferan). (B) A similar analysis of
changes in body mass in lineages of terrestrial vertebrates. Each
point is the ratio of mean body mass of a later (descendant) to
earlier (ancestral) sample. Field studies represent changes within
individual populations; fossil time series are ancestor-descen-
dant pairs of fossils; phylogenetic divergence is the difference
between two living taxa, divided by time since their common
ancestor. Remarkably, changes in body mass accumulate and be-
come steadily greater only over time intervals greater than about
1 million years. Before then, size may fluctuate rapidly, but with
little net change. The authors of the study suggest that cumulative
change may occur only after a lineage adapts to a substatntially
different ecological niche. (A after [31]; B after [108].)

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