Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
534 CHAPTER 20

another; that is, stasis that is “punctuated” by rapid change (FIGURE 20.16B).
They contrasted this pattern with what they called phyletic gradualism, the tra-
ditional notion of slow, incremental change (FIGURE 20.16C). Paleontologists
agree that stasis is a common pattern (FIGURE 20.17). For example, eight liv-
ing lineages of bivalves with a fossil record all show as much or more variation
among geographic populations as they do over the course of 4 My [103]. Most
fossil lineages fit a model of either stasis or random fluctuations [44, 47].
Eldredge and Gould proposed that the rapid shifts (“punctuations”) represent
speciation (especially founder effect speciation), whereby a reproductively isolated
new species that originated “offstage” expands its range and replaces the ancestral
species. One of the few examples of morphological change associ-
ated with speciation is in a Miocene genus of bryozoans, or “moss
animals,” that persisted with little change for several million years,
while new species appeared abruptly, without evident intermedi-
ates (FIGURE 20.18) [11]. Eldredge and Gould’s hypothesis that
evolutionary change requires speciation is not widely accepted [46],
but it stimulated interest in rates of evolution and posed the ques-
tion of whether or not speciation might facilitate, or be correlated
with, phenotypic evolution.

Speciation and phenotypic evolution
Might speciation enhance evolutionary change? The fossil record
can provide evidence only when it is exceptionally complete. Ceno-
zoic planktonic Foraminifera (shelled protists) have an outstand-
ing fossil record, and in these, morphological evolution is almost
always accompanied by speciation [106]. Evidence has also been
sought in phylogenies of living species, using statistical tests to
determine if the amount of morphological or DNA sequence dif-
ference among species is attributable mostly to evolution within
lineages, or is enhanced by the number of branching (speciation)

FIGURE 20.17 An example of stasis: specimens of
the bivalve Macrocallista maculata from a living
population and from fossil deposits dated at 1, 2,
4, and 17 Mya. All are from Florida. Scale bars = 1
cm. (Photos courtesy of Steven M. Stanley.)

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.17.ai Date 12-16-2016


1 Mya

2 Mya

4 Mya

17 Mya

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.17.ai Date 12-16-2016


1 Mya

2 Mya

4 Mya

17 Mya

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.17.ai Date 12-16-2016


1 Mya

2 Mya

4 Mya

17 Mya

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.18.ai Date 12-16-2016




Time (Mya)

Late Miocene





M. tenue

M. colligatum

M. auriculatum



Morphological difference

FIGURE 20.18 Punctuated equilibria: the phylogeny and temporal
distribution of a lineage of bryozoans (Metrarabdotos). The horizontal
distance between points represents the amount of morphological dif-
ference between samples. The general pattern is one of abrupt shifts
to new, rather stable morphologies. Only a part of the full phylogeny of
the genus, which has many more species, is shown. (After [11]; photos
courtesy of A. Cheetham.)

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