Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
536 CHAPTER 20

peak, stabilizing new adaptations that otherwise would slip back due to gene flow
and have only an ephemeral existence.

Trends, Predictability, and Progress
For decades after the publication of On the Origin of Species, many of those who
accepted the historical reality of evolution viewed it as a cosmic history of progress.
As humanity had been the highest earthly link in the pre-evolutionary Great Chain
of Being, just below the angels (see Chapter 1), so humans were seen as the supreme
achievement of the evolutionary process (and Western Europeans as
the pinnacle of human evolution). Darwin distinguished himself from
his contemporaries by denying the necessity of progress or improve-
ment in evolution [24], but almost everyone else viewed progress as an
intrinsic, even defining, property of evolution.
In this section, we examine the nature and possible causes of
trends in evolution and ask whether the concept of evolutionary
progress is meaningful. A trend may be described objectively as a
directional shift over time. “Progress” implies improvement or bet-
terment, which requires a criterion for judging improvement, or a
value judgment of what “better” might mean.

Trends: Kinds and causes
A trend is a persistent, directional change in the average value of a
feature, or perhaps its maximal (or minimal) value, in a clade over
the course of time. It may describe evolution in a particular clade, in
diverse clades, or in all of life. Trends can also be classified as passive
or driven [73]. In a passive trend, lineages in the clade evolve in both
directions with equal probability, but if there is a strong constraint
in one direction (e.g., a minimal possible body size), the variation
among lineages can expand only in the other direction. Because the
variance expands, so do the mean and the maximum. Although the
mean increases, some lineages may remain near the ancestral char-
acter state (FIGURE 20.21A). In a driven, or active, trend, changes in
one direction are more likely than changes in the other (i.e., there is
a “bias” in direction), so both the maximal and the minimal charac-
ter values change along with the mean (FIGURE 20.21B).

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.20.ai Date 12-26-2016

Character divergence

(A) (B) (C)


Character divergence Character divergence

Geographic barrier in place
Barrier breaks down
Prezygotic or postzygotic
reproductive isolation

FIGURE 20.20 A model of how specia-
tion might facilitate long-term evolutionary
change in morphological and other pheno-
typic characters. (A) An allopatric population
diverges in characteristics that adapt it to a
different habitat. It does not evolve prezy-
gotic or postzygotic reproductive isolation,
so when the barrier breaks down and the
populations meet, the divergence may be
lost due to interbreeding. (B) If the diver-
gent population evolves reproductive isola-
tion (red bar) while allopatric, it can become
sympatric with the other form and retain its
distinctive character. (C) The same process
might occur again and again, so that each
speciation event enables more divergence
to evolve and persist indefinitely.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.21.ai Date 12-16-2016

(A) Passive (B) Active (driven)

Decreases Increases
Character state

Decreases Increases
Character state

Time Time


FIGURE 20.21 Computer simulations of the diversifica-
tion of a clade. The original character state is marked 0.
(A) A passive trend. A character shift in either direction is
equally likely, but the character state cannot go beyond
the boundary at left. The mean increases, but many
lineages retain the original character value. (B) A driven
trend. The entire distribution of character states is shifted
by a bias in the direction of change. (After [73].)

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