Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
540 CHAPTER 20

Genome size, meaning the amount of DNA in the cell nucleus, varies 60,000-
fold among eukaryotes [21, 36]. Although genome size has decreased in some lin-
eages, such as Arabidopsis, increases have been more prevalent because of mecha-
nisms such as polyploidy and the proliferation of transposable elements. However,
the number of coding sequences does not appear to be correlated with our tradi-
tional (but perhaps erroneous) impressions of phenotypic complexity; we like to
think that mammals such as humans, with about 20,000 genes, are more complex
than water fleas (Daphnia) with 31,000, or rice, with 60,000 (see Figure 14.2). T he
number of functional genes both increases and decreases in evolution; for example,
it is often much lower in parasites and in endosymbiotic bacteria than in free-living
relatives [72]. But we do not yet know if there has been a trend in the information
content of genomes throughout evolution, because the variety of functions that
reside in a genome may be greatly amplified by alternative splicing of genes, mul-
tiple binding sites for different transcription factors, and other processes.
The bottom line is that although all organisms taken together show a passive
trend toward greater complexity, no characteristic displays a consistent driven
trend among all, or even most, branches of the tree of life.

Predictability and contingency in evolution
A course of events (a history) is said to be “predictable” if it proceeds by lawlike
principles that determine the sequence of events (e.g., A, B, ..., E), each caused
by the preceding event. Physics is the epitome of a predictive science. For many
people, predictability has the implication that the realized course of events was
inevitable from the start. In this view, as the paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould
noted [35], the evolutionary history of life was inevitable, including the evolution
of humans—or at least a comparably intelligent life form (a “humanoid,” perhaps).
Among evolutionary biologists, paleontologist Simon Conway Morris [12, 13] is a
proponent of this viewpoint (see also [19]).
Historical contingency, in contrast, means that although each event (e.g., E) is
caused by a preceding event (D), the outcome of the history would be different

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_20.27.ai Date 12-16-2016

(A) Eusthenopteron (lobe-nned sh) (B) Milleretta (early amniote)

(C) Canis (modern mammal)







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FIGURE 20.27 An example of decreasing complexity during
evolution. (A) Skull of an early lobe-finned fish (the Devonian
Eusthenopteron), the clade from which tetrapods evolved. (B) An
early amniote, or reptile (Milleretta, from the Permian), similar to
the ancestors of mammals. (C) A modern mammal (the domestic
dog, Canis). The great number of labels indicates that the lobe-
finned fish had more skull bones than the early amniotes, which
in turn had far more bones than their mammalian descendants.
The reduction in the number of bones in the lower jaw (from six
labeled in A to one in C) is particularly notable. (After [91].)

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