Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
560 CHAPTER 21

brain and a high reproductive rate, we evolved a higher meta-
bolic rate and larger energy budget than any other primate (FIG-
URE 21.17) [58]. Even the leanest humans have much more body
fat than other apes. Humans evolved special cells to store fat not
found in any other primate. These were critical to maintain our
brain and high reproductive rate when food was scarce [41].
The high metabolic rate of humans was made possible by an
evolutionary shift in diet from fruits to meat and tubers. Humans
first obtained meat by scavenging carcasses left by lions and
other predators [57], and later by active hunting. In turn, hunt-
ing selected for the endurance to run long distances, the ability
to throw spears, and many other characters [41]. Judging by liv-
ing hunter-gatherers, such as the Hadza of Tanzania, a hunter
with this lifestyle walks more than 15 km per day. He expends
almost twice as much energy above the basal metabolic rate as
the average American or European today. Humans learned how
to extract even more energy from the meat they hunted by slic-
ing, pounding, and cooking it [83, 84].
Humans became such proficient hunters that each time they
arrived on a new continent, they extinguished many of the large
mammals and birds (the “megafauna”). Mammoths, woolly
rhinoceros, giant bison, giant beaver, diverse South American
ungulates, and the giant ostrich-like moas of New Zealand were among the many
victims [44, 59].
Perhaps the most profound change in human history was the invention of agri-
culture, which first appeared in the Middle East at least 11 Kya. Over the next 5000
years, agriculture was independently invented in China, Mexico, New Guinea,
the central Andes, northern Africa, and the Mississippi Valley of North America
(FIGURE 21.18) [3, 13]. During that time, humans domesticated animals as live-
stock and plants as crops (BOX 21A). Some species, such as rice, were domesticated
independently more than once. Agriculture became widespread across Earth only
about 300 generations ago. In evolutionary time, that is the blink of an eye, and

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_21.17.ai Date 01-10-2017

Body mass (kg)

25 50 100 200

Metabolic rate (thousands of kcal/day)


(^4) Homo
FIGURE 21.17 Humans have a higher metabolic rate relative
to fat-free body mass than do chimpanzees (Pan), gorillas
(Gorilla), and orangutans (Pongo). (After [58].)
Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_21.18.ai Date 01-18-2017
Barley, wheat,
lentil, pea,
foxtail millet,
Buckwheat proso millet
japonica rice
Taro, lesser
yam, banana
Little millet,
black gram,
mung bean,
indica rice
Teff, nger
millet, yellow
yam, false
Pearl millet,
white yam
lima bean,
sweet potato,
bean, peppers
marsh elder,
FIGURE 21.18 Agriculture was invented
independently at several places around
the world. Some of the crops that were
domesticated are listed. (After [62].)
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