Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
■■Humans evolved from arboreal, social primate
ancestors with binocular vision, grasping hands,
and cognitive abilities associated with social life—
features that were important foundations for
later human evolution.
■■Important evolutionary changes in the evolu-
tion of the human body include adaptations for
bipedality, opposable thumbs, alteration of the
vocal tract, a higher reproductive rate, a higher
metabolic rate, and a longer childhood. The
most important change is our very large brain,
with its unparalleled cognitive abilities.
■■Hominins are the lineage that includes humans
and that diverged from chimpanzees about 7
Mya. Fossil hominins show that humans origi-
nated in Africa. Fossils of species in the genus
Homo date from about 3 Mya. H. erectus was the
first hominin to leave Africa, and spread through
Europe and Asia. About 600 Kya, a second wave
left Africa and gave rise to Neanderthals and
Denisovans. Finally, Homo sapiens spread out
of Africa 60 Kya, hybridized and acquired genes
from Neanderthals and Denisovans, and spread
across the entire Earth by 12 Kya.
■■Human populations do not show much diver-
gence across the genome: among Africans, East
Asians, and Europeans, only 12 percent of the
total genetic variation is caused by differences
in allele frequencies among populations. Some
of those differences, however, are responsible
for variation in skin color, metabolism, and other
traits that adapt humans to different environ-
ments. Many traits show continuous ranges of
variation, and the concept of discrete races does
not apply to the human species.
■■Two distinctly human traits are our enormous
brain and our use of language. A larger brain
was likely selected for by ecological factors and
by social interactions in groups. Our high meta-
bolic rate supports both the brain’s huge energy

consumption and our high rate of reproduction.
Speech is enabled by both the large brain and a
modified vocal tract.
■■Other ape species, especially chimpanzee and
bonobo, make and use tools in the wild, and can
learn and use elements of language in captivity.
This suggests that the common ancestor of hu-
mans and African apes had rudimentary capaci-
ties for language, tool making, and reasoning.
■■Culture enabled humans to occupy more differ-
ent environments, over a broader geographic
area, and to use a greater variety of food and
other resources than any other species. Agri-
culture began about 11 Kya. It had profound
impacts on our diet, social organization, and
population growth; the prevalence of diseases;
and the fates of countless other species. The
changes caused by agriculture altered the
course of human evolution, as shown by several
genetic adaptations to diet and changed condi-
tions that came with agricultural societies.
■■Natural selection and evolution are ongoing
in human populations, even in industrialized
societies. Height and cholesterol level are two
of the many traits that affect fitness and that are
heritable. Many traits are mismatched to our
agricultural diet, which has been widespread for
only several hundred generations, and to other
aspects of modern life.
■■Culture is a pronounced human feature that has
enabled our species to inhabit and dominate
almost all of Earth. Cultural traits change in ways
that have some similarities to genetic evolution,
but there are also important differences be-
tween cultural and genetic evolution. The most
important is horizontal transmission: by imitation
and learning, a cultural trait can spread across a
population (and today, even the entire globe)
within a single generation.


biased transmission
cultural evolution


social brain


An introduction to almost all aspects of human
evolution is Basics in Human Evolution, ed-
ited by M. P. Muehlenbein (Academic Press,
London, 2015), with contributions by 48 au-
thors. The Story of the Human Body: Evolu-
tion, Health, and Disease, by D. E. Lieberman

(Vintage Books, NY, 2014), is an outstand-
ing treatment of the topics indicated by its
title. Genetic and genomic aspects of human
evolution are comprehensively treated in the
textbook Human Evolutionary Genetics by M.
Jobling and colleagues (Garland Science, NY,


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