Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
576 CHAPTER 22

morphological and molecular levels, that are very
unlikely to have any function.

  1. The classic examples of evolution are false.
    Some creationists have charged that some of the best-
    known studies of evolution are flawed and that evolu-
    tionary biologists have dishonestly perpetuated these
    supposed falsehoods. For example, H. B. D. Kettlewell,
    who performed the classic study of industrial mela-
    nism in the peppered moth, was accused of having
    obtained spurious evidence for natural selection by
    predatory birds because he pinned moths to unnatu-
    ral resting sites (tree trunks). Later research tested and
    strongly validated Kettlewell's conclusions—an exam-
    ple of the classic tradition of the scientific method. But
    suppose that Kettlewell's study had been flawed. First,
    it does not follow that textbook authors and other cur-
    rent biologists have deliberately perpetuated false-
    hood; they simply might have relied on earlier sources,
    since no textbook author can check every study in
    depth. Second, whether or not Kettlewell’s work was
    flawed is irrelevant to the validity of the basic claims
    involved. Both natural selection and rapid evolution-
    ary changes have been demonstrated in so many spe-
    cies that these principles would stand firmly even if the
    peppered moth story were completely false.

  2. Disagreements among evolutionary biologists show
    that Darwin was wrong.
    Disagreements among scientists exist in every field of
    inquiry and are, in fact, the fuel of scientific progress.
    They stimulate research and are thus a sign of vitality.
    There are plenty of unresolved, debated questions
    about evolution, but they do not at all undermine the
    strength of the evidence for the historical fact of evo-
    lution—that is, descent, with modification, from com-
    mon ancestors. On this point, there is no disagreement
    among evolutionary biologists.

  3. There are no fossil intermediates between humans and
    other apes; australopithecines were merely apes. And
    there exists an unbridgeable gap between humans and
    all other animals in cognitive abilities.
    This is a claim about one specific detail in evolutionary
    history, but it is the issue about which creationists care

most. This claim is simply false. See Chapter 21 for evi-
dence of stages in morphological evolution revealed
by fossil hominids; DNA sequence similarities among
modern humans, Neanderthals, and African apes;
and evidence that although the cognitive abilities of
humans are indeed developed to a far greater degree
than those of other species, many of our mental facul-
ties seem to be present in more rudimentary form in
other primates and mammals.

  1. As a matter of fairness, alternative theories, such as su-
    pernatural creation and intelligent design, should be
    taught, so that students can make their own decisions.
    This train of thought, if followed to its logical conclu-
    sion, would have teachers presenting hundreds of dif-
    ferent creation myths, in fairness to the peoples who
    hold them, and it would compel teachers to enter-
    tain supernatural explanations of everything in earth
    science, astronomy, chemistry, and physics, because
    anything explained by these sciences, too, could be
    argued to have a supernatural cause. It would imply
    teaching students that to do a proper job of investi-
    gating an airplane crash, federal agencies should con-
    sider the possibility of mechanical failure, a terrorist
    bomb, a missile impact—and supernatural intervention
    [4]. Science teachers should be expected to teach the
    content of current science—which means the hypoth-
    eses that have been strongly supported and the ideas
    that are subjects of ongoing research. That is, they
    should teach what scientists do. Several scientists have
    searched the scientific literature for research reports
    on intelligent design and “creation science” and have
    found no such reports. Nor is there any evidence that
    “creation scientists” have carried out scientific research
    that a biased community of scientists has refused to
    publish. That means that the subject should not be
    taught in a science course.


Refuting Antievolutionary Arguments (continued)

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