Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Amsterdam. To calculate the mean of a set of measurements, we simply add them
together and then divide that total by the number of measurements. By convention,
we often symbolize the mean of a distribution by putting a bar over the symbol used
for the measurement. Say that we use x to represent the height of an individual. In
a group of Dutch men, if half of them have a height of x = 180 cm and the other half
have a height of x = 186 cm, then their mean height is – x= 183 cm.
The variance is a statistic that measures the spread of a distribution around the
mean. Evolution depends critically on variation, and so variance plays a central role
in evolutionary biology. (In fact, the word “variance” was invented by R. A. Fisher
in the first scientific publication in population genetics [1].) A variance is often
symbolized by σ^2. Variance is defined as

    σ^2 = Mean value of (x – –x)^2 (A.1)

Continuing with the Dutch men, for the shorter individuals we have (x – x–)^2 =
(180 cm – 183 cm)^2 = 9 cm^2. For the taller individuals, we have (x – x–)^2 = (180 cm –
183 cm)^2 = 9 cm^2. By taking the mean of 9 cm^2 and 9 cm^2 , we find that the variance
in height for this group of men is σ^2 = 9 cm^2.
Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_A.02.ai Date 02-02-2017 03-01-2017

Q: Msp cut off the x-axis scale for the top graph. Is it the same as the bottom 2? I left off
tic-marks as what was showing appeared to be different labeling.

Area = 0.29

Females Males

150 160 170 180 190 200






Height (cm)

Probability density

Probability density







Females Males










FIGURE A.2 The frequencies of height in humans
can be represented by a continuous distribu-
tion. (A) Histograms for the heights of a sample
of women and men ages 20–29 in the United
States. Here the data are represented as a discrete
distribution, with the height of each bar show-
ing the frequency of individuals that fell within a
range of heights. (B) The distributions of heights
of women and men in the U.S. population are well
represented by normal distributions. Here the
y-axis represents the relative probabilities that an
individual has a height very close to a given value
on the x-axis. The general equation for a normal
distribution with mean x

and variance σ^2 is

In women, the mean height is 164 cm, and the
variance is 54 cm^2. In men, the mean height is 176
cm, and the variance is 58 cm^2. (C) The area under
the female distribution between 164 cm and 170
cm equals 0.29. This shows that 29 percent of
females in this population have heights within that

f (x) =exp (^2) /m 2 {}
(^2) m 2
–(x – x_)^2
23_EVOL4E_APP.indd 3 3/22/17 1:52 PM

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