Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Just what does a variance tell us? A variance equal to zero says that there
is no spread around the mean: all the measurements are identical. If one
distribution has a larger variance than another, then it has more dispersion
around the mean (FIGURE A.3). Notice the units in the example above: they
are the units of measurement squared. A variance therefore can never be
Often several factors contribute to the variance of a variable. Whenever
we work with measurements, the data inevitably include measurement
error, which will be small if the measurements are accurate, but large
if not. The variance in our measurements then has contributions from
two sources: the variance in the actual variable, and the variance in the
errors. Statistics provides methods to estimate and correct for the errors
(for example, by remeasuring some of the individuals). In Chapter 6 we
discuss another situation in which multiple factors contribute to a vari-
ance: the phenotypic variance for a quantitative trait has both genetic and
environmental components.
A second useful statistic that describes variation is the standard devia-
tion. It is the square root of the variance and is often symbolized as σ.
The standard deviation in the example of Dutch men is σ = 9 cm^2 = 3
cm. A standard deviation has the same units as the original measurements. For a
normal distribution, about two-thirds (68 percent) of the distribution falls within
1 standard deviation of the mean, that is, between (x– – σ) and (x– + σ), and 95
percent falls within 2 standard deviations of the mean, between (– x– 2σ) and (x– +
2 σ) (FIGURE A.4A).
The standard deviation is useful for measuring the difference between the
means of two distributions. If the difference is much less than a standard devia-
tion of one of the distributions, then it can be difficult for us to see by eye that
the distributions really are different (FIGURE A.4B). A difference of more than 1
standard deviation is typically easy to see. The means of the distributions for male

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_A.03.ai Date 02-02-2017 03-01-2017

σ^2 = 1

σ^2 = 1.5

σ^2 = 3






0 5

Probability density

FIGURE A.3 These three distributions have the
same mean but different variances. As the variance
increases, the spread of the distribution around the
mean increases.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_A.04.ai Date 01-08-2017 03-01-2017


Area = 0.68



2 σ

Area = 0.95

Measurement Measurement

Probability density


x 1


Probability density

x 2

x 1 x 2

FIGURE A.4 The standard deviation, σ,
is a measure of variation. (A) For normal
distributions, about 2/3 (68 percent) of the
distribution falls within 1 standard deviation
above and below the mean (top), and 95
percent falls within 2 standard deviations
of the mean (bottom). (B) The difference
between the means of two distributions
can be measured in terms of their standard
deviations. When the difference is much
less than σ, the distributions overlap greatly
(top). When the difference in their means is
much greater than σ, much of the distribu-
tions do not overlap (bottom).

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