Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

T HE TREE of LifE 41

during the ancestry of the vertebrates, all of which have both genes. The α- and
β-hemoglobins arose by gene duplication in the ancestor of jawed vertebrates,
all of which have a functional hemoglobin composed of both α- and β-chains,
whereas the jawless vertebrates (e.g., lampreys) have only a single hemoglobin
chain. The origin of the other globin genes can be similarly traced based on their
sequences and phylogenetic distribution. A more extended description of the evo-
lution of gene families, and of genome size, is provided in C hapter 14.
Cells give rise to lineages of cells by division, and these lineages can be traced
by the somatic mutations that arise and are inherited by descendant cells. Biolo-
gists are beginning to use the “phylogeny” of cells to trace the developmental
history of the brain and other organs [24], and phylogenies of tumor cells are
important for studying the source and spread of metastatic cancers [28]. And the
applications of phylogenetic methods extend beyond biology. French, Spanish, and
the other Romance languages evolved from Latin, an example of nongenetic cul-
tural evolution. Students of cultural evolution are increasingly using phylogenetic
methods, borrowed from evolutionary biology, to analyze the history of languages
and other cultural traits (see Chapter 16).

Phylogenetic insights into Evolutionary History
Phylogenetic studies, sometimes in concert with information from the fossil record,
enable biologists to piece together the evolutionary history of organisms and their
characteristics, ranging from DNA sequences to geographic distributions. They doc-
ument patterns of evolution—aspects of change that are common to many groups of
organisms. Some of these patterns were already known to Darwin and his followers,
but have been studied in depth using phylogenetic and other methods.

Inferring the history of character evolution
One of the most important uses of phylogenetic information is to reconstruct the
history of evolutionary change in interesting characteristics by “mapping” character
states on the phylogeny and inferring the state in each common ancestor, right back to the
root of the entire tree. In the simplest methods, we assign to ancestors those character
states that require us to postulate the fewest evolutionary changes for which we lack
independent evidence. This method enables us to infer when (i.e., on which branch
or segment of a phylogeny) changes in characters occurred, and thus to trace their
h i stor y.
Humans, for example, have nonopposable first (great) toes, while the orangutan,
gorilla, and chimpanzee have opposable first toes (like our thumbs). In FIGURE 2.16

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
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A 3

A 2

A 1

A 2

A 1


A 3


FIGURE 2.16 Inferring ancestral charac-
ter states. Two possible histories of the
evolution of opposable (O) versus nonop-
posable (N) toes in the Hominoidea (O,
orangutan; G, gorilla; C, chimpanzee; H,
human) are shown. At left, if nonopposable
toes (open circles) are hypothesized for
A 3 , the common ancestor of chimpanzee
and human, two state changes must be
postulated. At right, opposable toes are
hypothesized for A 3 , and only one change
need be postulated. Assuming that charac-
ter state changes are rare, the more likely
hypothesis is that humans evolved from an
ancestor with opposable toes.

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