Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

A final point is that it is critical to distinguish between statistical significance and
biological significance. Two populations of deer might have very different mean sizes,
but with a small sample size we would not be able to prove statistically that they
are different. Conversely, with enormous sample sizes it is possible to prove that
two populations have different mean sizes, even if the difference is so small that
it is irrelevant to the biological question of interest. Deciding how large an effect
must be in order to qualify as “biologically significant” is the job of the investigator,
and no statistical analysis can determine that. The most useful inferences are made
when an effect is statistically significant and also large enough to be biologically

Likelihood is an important branch of statistics used to estimate properties of a
population and to test hypotheses. In statistics, “likelihood” is defined as the
probability of observing the data that we have, given assumptions for how the
data were generated.
Imagine that we sample ten platypuses from a river and find that they have 4
copies of allele A 1 and 16 copies of allele A 2. We can use likelihood to find the prob-
ability of that sample if the actual frequency of allele A 1 in the population is a given
value, for example p 1 = 0.5. Probability theory tells us that, if the allele frequency in
the population is p 1 , then the likelihood that in a random sample we would get n 1
copies of A 1 and n 2 copies of A 2 is:


Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_A.11.ai Date 02-02-2017 03-01-2017








(A) (B)

Weight (kg)

XCO – XTX (in kg)

0 10


Note: Please conrm color usage on bars and arrows. I didn’t have gure caption
to conrm how (A) and (B) are related.

FIGURE A.11 Randomization is a powerful way to test statistical
hypotheses. In this example, we ask whether deer in Colorado
are heavier than deer in Texas. (A) The weights of 14 deer from
Texas and 19 deer from Colorado are shown. The mean weight
of the Texas deer is x

TX = 67 kg, and the mean weight of the
Colorado deer is x
CO = 77 kg (means indicated by the two arrows).
(B) The null hypothesis is that that the distribution of weights is
the same in Texas and Colorado. Randomizing the data 10^6 times
produces the distribution of the difference between the means

CO – x

TX) under that null hypothesis. The actual difference ob-
served, shown by the arrow, is extremely unlikely. The probability
of a difference greater than what is actually seen in the data is
given by the area under the histogram to the right of the arrow.
That is much less than 5 percent, the standard threshold for statis-
tical significance. We reject the null hypothesis that deer in Texas
and Colorado have the same weight on average, and conclude
that the population of deer in Colorado is heavier on average
than the population in Texas.

L(n 1 , n 2 | p 1 ) =

(^) (n 1 + n 2 )!
(^) n 1 !n 2! p 1
n (^1) (1 – p n 2
1 )
23_EVOL4E_APP.indd 10 3/22/17 1:52 PM

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