Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

T HE TREE of LifE 47

HoMoPLASY iS CoMMoN Homoplasy—the independent evolution of a char-
acter or character state in different taxa—includes convergent evolution (conver-
gence), parallel evolution (parallelism), and evolutionary reversal. The eyes of
vertebrates and cephalopod molluscs (such as squids and octopuses) are a spec-
tacular example of convergence. Both have a lens and a retina, but their many
profound differences indicate that they evolved independently from ancestors
without eyes. For example, the axons arise from the back of the retinal cells in
cephalopods, but from the front in vertebrates (FIGURE 2.20).
Parallel evolution is a term that has been used to describe cases in which
independent evolution of a character state is thought to have similar genetic and
developmental bases, especially in closely related species. For example, muta-
tional change in a specific gene, Pitx1, is the basis of independent loss of the
pelvic girdle and fins in many freshwater populations of a small fish, the three-
spined stickleback (see Chapter 15). But the distinction between parallel evolu-
tion and convergent evolution may not be very meaningful because, as we will
see, the same gene often contributes to similar evolutionary changes in distantly
related organisms.
Evolutionary reversals constitute a return from a derived character state to
a more ancestral state [29]. For example, winged insects evolved from wingless
ancestors, but many lineages of insects have lost their wings in the course of
subsequent evolution. It was long assumed that complex characters, once lost,
are unlikely to be regained, a principle known as Dollo’s law. However, there are

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_02.20.ai Date 11-02-2016

(A) Octopus (B) Fish










Retina Muscle Retina




Light Light

neurons Photoreceptor

The photoreceptors point away
from the incoming light,
so the light must pass through the
retinal tissue to stimulate the

Retinal nerve cells form networks
that extensively process visual
information before signals go
to the brain.

The nerve cells that convey
visual signals from the retinal
receptors to the brain leave
the eye directly in multiple
optic nerves.

The photoreceptors point
toward the incoming light.

The nerve cells leaving
the retina gather into a
single optic nerve.

FIGURE 2.20 The eyes of (A) octopus
(cephalopod mollusc) and (B) a vertebrate
are an extraordinary example of conver-
gent evolution. Despite the many simi-
larities in the two eyes, note the several
differences, including interruption of the
retina by the optic nerve in the vertebrate,
but not in the cephalopod. (A after [34, 35];
B after [33].)

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