Evolution, 4th Edition

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Stock Photo. 17.20 Ginkgo: © Biophoto Associates/Science Source.
17.20 Phytosaur: By Smokeybjb - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0.
17.21A: © aasheimmedia/istock. 17.21B: David McIntyre. 17.21C:
David McIntyre. 17.22A: Courtesy of Jane Sinauer. 17.22B: ©
The Natural History Museum, London. 17.22C: David McIntyre.
17.25A fossil: The Natural History Museum/Alamy Stock Photo.
17.25B fossil: Courtesy of Mitternacht90/Wikipedia. 17.25C fossil:
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Juergen Kraft/Shutterstock. 17.26 Lambeosaurinae: © Warpaint/
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Encyclopaedia Britannica/Getty Images. 17.27 Marganucodon:
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FunkMonk (Michael B. H.) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0. 17.27
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Images/Getty Images. 17.29 Miocene: © DeAgostini/Getty Images.
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Alex Popovkin, CC BY 2.0. 18.16 L. lacrymiger: Glenn Bartley/
All Canada Photos/Alamy Stock Photo. 18.16 L. souleyetii: Juan
Jose Arango/VWPics/Alamy Stock Photo. 18.16 C. sulphurifera:
© Stubblefield Photography/Shutterstock. 18.16 L. rectirostris: By
Dcaballerosadi - own work, CC BY-SA 3.0. 18.17 left: © Istomina
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KirsanovV. 19.14A: Mark Moffett/Minden Pictures/Alamy Stock
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RBflora/Alamy Stock Photo. 19.15 Aquilegia: © Vilor/Shutterstock.

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com/Constance McGuire.

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© By Nobu Tamura (http://spinops.blogspot.com) - Own work,
CC BY 3.0. 20.3C: © By Nobu Tamura (http://spinops.blogspot.
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