Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Numbers in italic refer to information in
an illustration or illustration caption.

Aardvarks, 458 , 461
Abalones, 223, 229–230
Abdominal A (abdA) gene, 377 , 379
Abdominal B (abdB) gene, 379
Abortion, of seeds, 307
Absolute fitness, 107, 108
Abzhanov, Arhat, 382
Acacia, 504
Acacia karroo, 69
Acanthodii, 445
Acanthostega, 448
Acari, 250
Accessory gland proteins, 304–305
Accipitriformes, 32, 425
N-Acetyl transferases, 589
Achillea borealis, 233
Achillea millefolium (yarrow), 198, 233
Achondroplasia, 92, 93
Acrasid slime molds, 440
Acridocarpus natalitius, 479
Acris, 486
Acritarchs, 439
Acrocephalus palustris (marsh warbler), 7
Acrocephalus scirpaceus (reed warbler), 327
Acrocephalus sechellensis (Seychelles warbler),
Active dispersal, 194, 205
Active trends, 536–537
Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphid), 38 , 124
Adaptation (adaptive evolution)
apparent goal directedness of, 57
approaches to recognizing, 67–71
“argument from design” and, 56–57
constraints on, 389–391
defined, 56, 66
examples of, 55–56, 57–59
genetic drift and, 177–181
in human populations, 562–563
imperfections and constraints, 71–72

local, 186–187
natural selection and, 14
practical uses of, 585
preadaptation and exaptation, 66–67
rate of, 110–115
rescue of species from extinction and,
searching genes for signatures of, 183–187
selection of and selection for, 67
from standing genetic variation versus
new mutations, 147–148
studying with the comparative method,
Adaptation and Natural Selection (Williams), 64
Adaptedness, evolutionary trends, 538–539
Adaptive landscapes, 127–129, 144
Adaptive radiations
colonization and, 479
competition for resources and, 337
description and example of, 50, 51
evolutionary diversity and, 73
of mammals in the Cenozoic, 460–463
Adaptive therapy, 592
Adaptive valleys, 180, 181
Adders, 179, 180 , 424
Addictive behaviors, 589
Additive genetic variance, 146, 147
codon bias and, 356
in DNA, 79
methylation, 96–97
Adh locus, 174 , 175
Aedes aegypti, 356–357
emergence of humans from, 555–556
human expansion out of, 173–174
origin of hominins in, 551
African aardvark (Orycteropus afer), 492
African gorillas, 426
African green monkeys, 5
African people
human hybridization and, 557
mitochondrial gene tree, 555–556
African swallowtail (Papilio dardanus), 328,

African termites, 539
Afrotheria, 408
Agalychnis callidryas, 486
Agave (century plants), 276
“Age of Reptiles,” 452
Age-structured populations, 279–280
Aglaophyton, 446 , 447
Agnathans, 444, 445
artificial selection, 105–106, 135, 136 ,
in human evolution, 559–562
practical uses of evolutionary biology,
Agrostis capillaris (common bent), 193
Ailuropoda melanoleuca (giant panda), 373, 527
Alberch, Pere, 390–391
Albinism, 83
Alces alces (moose), 192
Alcohol, 567
Alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene, 349, 350
Algae, 346 , 440
See also Green algae
Allele fitness, using life tables to find, 280
Allele frequency
adaptive landscapes, 27–28
in biological evolution, 18
defined, 82–83
effects of hitchhiking on, 118
gene flow and, 193, 194–195
genetic drift and, 166–170 (see also Genetic
genetic variation and, 110–111
phenotypic variance and, 137–139
rate of evolution under positive selection,
defined, 82
epistasis, 87, 88
evolution by selection on a single locus,
evolutionary trade-offs, 116–117
fixed (See Fixation)
frequency-dependent selection, 122–123
gene flow and, 193

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