Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

hitchhiking, 117–119
mixing by recombination, 85–88
mixing by segregation, 83–85
positive selection, 108–116
segregation distortion, 310–311
selection favoring the most common
allele, 125–126
speciation by genetic conflict and, 228–230
Allergies and allergic reactions, 566, 589, 590
Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator),
Alligators, 26 , 472, 525
Allometric growth (allometry), 371–372
Allopatric speciation
definition and description of, 227, 235–238
dispersal and, 477–478
genomic islands of speciation and, 242
species diversity and, 504, 505
Allopatric species
biological species concept and, 216
reinforcement of reproductive isolation
and, 231–232
Allopolyploidy, 232, 350, 365
Alpacas, 408
Alpheus millsae, 475
Alpheus nuttingi, 475
Alroy, John, 508
Alsophila pometaria (fall cankerworm), 288
Alternative mating strategies, 255
Alternative splicing
description of, 81, 82 , 358
evolution of gene expression and, 357
gene regulation and, 376–377
defined, 296
evolution of, 300–304
group selection and, 64, 65 , 297, 313
in human behavior, 598
introduction, 295
kin selection and, 63
Alu element, 363
Alveolates, 440
Alzheimer’s disease, 590
Amborella trichopoda, 32
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, 219, 280
Ambulocetus, 520
Ambystoma, 390–391
Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl), 372, 373 , 374,
390 , 523
Ambystoma tigrinum (tiger salamander), 373 ,
American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis),
American green iguana (Iguana iguana), 483
Amia calva (bowfin), 481
Amino acids
genetic code, 80, 81
origin of life and, 436
synonymous and nonsynonymous
mutations, 80, 81
Amish populations, 173
Ammonia, 436
Ammonites, 430
Ammonoids, 444, 445 , 452, 499

diversification in the Mesozoic, 454–459
origin in the Paleozoic, 450
phylogeny, 455
Amniotic egg, 450n3
Amoebas, 345, 362
Amoebozoa, 440
climate tolerance and range limits, 483
genome size, 346
latitudinal diversity gradient, 485–486
sex determination, 250
See also Frogs; Salamanders
Amphichelydians, 510
Amphiprion (clownfishes), 247, 248
Amplified genes, inheritance of, 352
AMY1 gene, 348
Amylase, 348
Anabrus simplex (Mormon cricket), 257
Anagenesis, 33
Ancestral character state, using phylogenies
to reconstruct, 419, 421
Ancestral structures, modification of, 524–525
Anchiornis huxleyi, 416
Aneides, 48
Angelfishes, 71
diversity, 32, 453–454, 460, 503
selfing and outcrossing, 269–270
sexual reproduction, 248, 249
sexual selection in, 260
speciation by polyploidy, 232, 233
Anglerfishes, 250, 251
Angraecum sesquipideale, 321, 322
Animal behavior
cultural inheritance and, 98
evolution of novel features and, 524
See also Human behavior
Animal pollination, experimental analysis of,
69, 70
genome size, 365
numbers of protein-coding genes, 346
Anisogamy, 249
Ankylosaurinae, 457
Annelida, 442
Annual plants, 285
Anoles (Anolis)
community-level convergence, 341
costs of reproduction, 278
ecological character displacement, 338,
Anolis carolinensis (green anole), 338, 339
Anolis insolitus, 341
Anolis lineatopus, 341
Anolis sagrei (brown anole), 278, 338, 339
Anolis strahmi, 341
Anolis valencienni, 341
Anopheles, 242, 346 , 409, 410
Anopheles arabiensis, 410
Anopheles funestus, 124
Anopheles gambiae, 410
Anopheles melas, 410
Anoura fistulata, 336
Antagonistic pleiotropy, 281
Antarctica, 459

Antbirds, 472
Anteaters, 472
Antechinus (“marsupial mice”), 282–283
Antelopes, 462
Antennapedia (Antp) mutation, 94 , 378
Anterior-posterior polarity, 378–381
Anthers, 269
Anthoceratopsida, 446
Anthracosaurs, 450
Antibiotic resistance
horizontal gene transfer, 39
human health and, 4–6, 566 , 592–593
Antibiotics, 566, 585
Antibodies, 376, 377
Antievolutionary arguments
refuting, 575–577
See also Creationist movement
cooperation and conflict in, 295
eusociality, 308–310
plant extrafloral nectaries and, 504
variation in haploid chromosome number,
90 , 91
Anvil, 518, 519
Apatosaurus, 456
developmental and functional modules in
limb development, 389
human differences from, 549–551
metabolic rate and energy compared to
humans, 563
phylogeny and human evolution, 548–549
tool making and tool use, 559
horizontal gene transfer and, 38–39
in insect phylogeny, 450
phylogeny matching with Buchnera,
322–323, 324
symbiotic relationship with Buchnera, 364
Apicomplexans, 440
Apidae, 454
Apis mellifera (honeybee), 310, 561
Apocynaceae (milkweeds), 329, 330, 470 , 504
APOE4 gene, 590
Apomorphic characters, 44–45
Aposematic coloration, 328
Appendages, homeotic mutations in
arthropods, 378
Apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella),
Apterygidae, 471
Apteryx (kiwis), 276, 277 , 471
Aquilegia (columbines), 504, 505
Arabidopsis (mouse-ear cress)
alternative splicing, 358
cyanobacterial genes, 337
Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities, 224
genome size, 540
number of protein coding genes, 346
Arandaspis, 444
Araucaria, 472, 476
Archaea, 30, 438
Archaeopteryx, 402 , 415, 457 , 516, 525
Archaeopteryx lithographica, 416
Archean era, 434 , 438

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