Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Archosauromorphs, 455
Archosaurs, 425 , 455 , 456
Ardea alba (great egret), 26
Ardipithecus, 551
Ardipithecus kadabba, 552
Ardipithecus ramidus, 551, 552 , 553
Argument from design
failures of, 581–583
as proof of God, 56–57
Argyroxiphium sandwicense, 51
Aristotle, 9
fossil record, 476
heterotopy, 373
Mesozoic form, 458
neotropical origins, 472
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
Armored catfish, 473
Army ants (Eciton), 62
Arothron mappa, 375
Art, 598
Artamella, 51
Artemia, 383–384
Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood), 585
Artemisinin, 585
Arthropleura, 449
diversification in the Mesozoic, 454
evolution in the Silurian, 447
genome size, 346
homeotic mutations, 378
origin in the Paleozoic, 443
phylogeny of animals, 442
sex determination, 250
Articular bone, 517 , 518, 519
Artificial selection, 105–106, 135, 136 , 149–150
Artiodactyls, 462
Asclepias, 504
Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed), 330
Asexual lineages, 65
Asexual reproduction
examples, 263
gene mixing in, 88
parthenogenesis, 263–264
selective interference and, 265–268
Ashkenazi Jews, 270
Asian Indian people, 556
Aspergillus oryzae, 38
Aspidoscelis inornata, 242
Aspidoscelis uniparens, 263
Asses, 561
Assortative mating, 239
Asteraceae, 460
Asthenosphere, 432 , 433
Asthma, 590
Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican tetra), 152
Atelostomata, 502, 503
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), 58
Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica), 66
Atmospheric oxygen, 438
Australia, cane toads, 206
Australian honeypot ant (Camponotus
inflatus), 309
Australian people, 556
Australian realm, 472

Australoceras, 445
Australopithecines, 552, 555
Australopithecus, 419
Australopithecus afarensis, 552, 553
Australopithecus africanus, 552, 552
Australopithecus anamensis, 552
Australopithecus bahrelghazali, 552
Australopithecus deyiremeda, 552
Australopithecus garhi, 552
Australopithecus sediba, 552
Australosphenidae, 458
Austronesian language family, 419
Autoimmune diseases, 566, 590
Autopods, 381
Autopolyploidy, 232, 350
Aves, 32, 250 , 425
See also Birds
Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), 372, 373 ,
374, 390 , 523
AZT, 4

“Baboon metaphysics,” 596
Baboons, 418
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), 586
Background extinction, 496–500
Background selection, 176
altruism in, 302–303
antibiotic resistance and, 4–6, 592–593 (see
also Antibiotic resistance)
conjugation, 88
distinguishing species of, 216
endosymbionts and the evolution of
eukaryotes, 316, 439
experiments on niche evolution in, 291
frequency-dependent selection and
declining mean fitness, 129
genome size, 362, 364, 365
horizontal gene transfer, 39
mutualisms, 337
operons, 374
pathogenic, evolution of virulence,
phylogeny matching between Buchnera
and aphids, 322–323, 324
in the Precambrian, 438, 439
sex and conjugation, 248
spiteful interactions, 304
Tree of Life, 30
Bacteriocins, 129, 304
evolution of virulence in, 333
phage T7, 414
Bacteroides fragilis, 590
Balaenoptera musculus (blue whale), 276, 521
Balance of nature, 74
Balancing selection
other forms of, 122–124
overdominance, 120–122
overview, 119–120
Baldness, 196
Baleen whales, 521

Bambach, Richard, 501
Bamboos, 283
Bananas, 560 , 561
Band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma
castro), 222 , 240
Barley, 560 , 561
Barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii), 56
Barton Springs salamander (Eurycea sosorum),
205 , 207
Bartramia longicauda (upland sandpiper), 46
Basal cell carcinomas, 115
Base pairs, 79–80
See also DNA bases
Basileuterus, 506
Bateman’s principle, 253, 254
Batesian mimicry, 328, 329
Bathybates, 214
Bats, 336, 461
Bayesian inference, 411, 414
Bdelloid rotifers, 263
Beagle (H.M.S.), 11
Beans, 560
Bearded pig (Sus barbatus), 468
Bears, 461
Beavers, 458 , 471
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 589
Bees, 308–310, 450
fushi tarazu gene, 385
“living fossils,” 454
number of species, 32
phylogeny of insects, 450
species diversity and key adaptations, 502,
species richness, 490 , 492
Ultrabithorax gene, 384
See also Coleoptera
Behavior. See Animal behavior; Human
Behavioral ecology, 296
Behavioral sterility, 221
Bell-shaped distributions, 137
Beneficial mutations
clonal interference and, 265–266
defined, 93
fate in large populations, 180–181
genetic drift and, 177–179
natural selection and, 94, 177–179
positive selection, 108–116
probability of becoming fixed, 115–116
ruby-in-the-rubbish effect and, 266–267
from transposable elements, 364
using hitchhiking genes to identify
positive selection, 118–119
Berg, Raissa, 387
Bergmann’s rule, 192, 421–422
Bering Land Bridge, 459, 463, 464
Bernays, Elizabeth, 289
Biaka people, 348, 556 , 558
Biarmosuchus, 517
Biased transmission, 567
Bicoid gene, 378, 379
Bicosoecids, 440

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