Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Darwin, Charles
biogeographic evidence for evolution,
on the brutality of Nature and evolution,
on character states that are not
adaptations, 68
classification and, 424
on complex characteristics, 526
on “divergence of character,” 337
on the diversity of life, 542
on embryonic development, 369
on the evolution of diversity, 72–73
on the evolution of language, 419
evolutionary theory of, 8, 13–15
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and
Animals, 596
on gradualism, 14, 46
on human cooperation and altruism, 598
on human evolution, 547, 551
knowledge of natural selection as a broad
concept, 584
on mutualisms, 334, 335–336
on natural selection and adaptation, 56,
57, 59, 61
on natural selection and imperfection, 71
on natural selection and the so-called
balance of nature, 583
philosophical and social implications of
evolution, 20
scientific career, 10–13
on sexual selection, 60, 251–253
on speciation, 214
on species interactions, 321
Tree of Life concept, 28–30
understanding of inheritance and
evolution, 103
views of evolution and progress, 536
“Darwinian agriculture,” 586
Darwin’s finches. See Geospiza
Dasypeltis, 56
Dasypus, 408
Davidson, Eric, 374
Davies, Nick, 328
Dawkins, Richard, 63
De novo genes, 350–351
Decaestecker, Ellen, 332
“Deep homology,” 529
Deer, 462
Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), 302
Defensive mimicry, 328–329
Deferred reproduction, 283–284
Deformed (Dfd) gene, 379
Deinonychus, 415, 457
Deinopis subrufa, 325
Deinotherium, 463
Deleterious mutations
defined, 93
dispersal and, 207
genetic drift and natural selection, 179,
genetic load in the human genome,
Muller’s ratchet and, 267–268
mutation load, 130–131

mutation rates and, 94–95
mutation-selection balance, 130
positive selection and, 113
purifying selection and, 185, 353, 354, 355
ruby-in-the-rubbish effect and, 266–267
Deletions, 89
Democratic Republic of Congo, 421, 422
Demospongiae, 442
Dendrobates pumilio (strawberry poison dart
frog), 80
Dendropsophus clade, 486
Dengue fever, 356, 592
Denisovans, 554, 556, 557
Dennett, Daniel, 573
Density-dependent population growth, 282
Dentary bone, 517 , 518, 519
Dentary condyle, 517
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
genetic code, 80, 81
mutation rates, 91
mutations, 88–91
noncoding (see Noncoding DNA)
rates of evolution, 183
single nucleotide polymorphisms, 82
structure, 79–80
transcription and translation, 81–82
Depressaria pastinacella (parsnip webworm),
Derived characters, 402–403
Dermoptera, 461
Descent from common ancestors
eye development example, 27–28
Tree of Life, 28–33
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 547, 551
Descent with modification, 8, 13
Desert locus (Schistocerca gregaria), 194
Desert plants, 470
evolutionary adaptations and, 68, 69
See also Intelligent design
Desmodus rotundus (vampire bat), 298
Desmognathus (dusky salamanders), 48
Desmognathus fuscus (northern dusky
salamander), 197
Desmognathus ochrophaeus, 236, 237
Developmental constraints, 390–391
Developmental genetics
bases of phenotypic evolution, 382–386
gene regulation, 375–381
methods in, 376–377
Developmental pathways, evolvability and,
Devonian period
major evolutionary events in, 434 , 446,
mass extinction, 496, 498 , 500
Diabetes, 565–566
Diadematacea, 503
Diamond, Jared, 562
Diapause, 59
Diapsids, 455 , 456
Diatoms, 346 , 440
Dicerandra, 481
Dickinsonia costata, 441
Dictyostelid slime molds, 440

Dictyostelium discoideum, 296
Didelphis, 519
adaptive evolution in human populations
and, 562–563
development of agriculture and, 559–562
human health and, 565–566, 589–590
Diffuse coevolution, 322, 323
Diffusion of morphogens, Turing model of,
374, 375
developmental constraints on evolution,
“fingers” of giant pandas, 527
“frameshift” in development in birds, 525
morphological modules in development,
Diglossa (flowerpiercers), 289, 290 , 508
Dinklage, Peter, 93
Dinoflagellates, 440
amniote phylogeny, 455
diversity of, 457
evolution of birds from theropods, 400 ,
401, 402 , 415–416, 456, 516
Diploids, calculating relatedness, 301
Diplomonads, 440
Dipodomys, 408
Diprotodontia, 461
Diptera (true flies)
fleas related to, 404
Hox genes and development, 378
origin in the Permian, 449
phylogeny of insects, 450
sex determination, 250
species diversity and key adaptations, 502
Ultrabithorax gene, 384
See also Drosophila
Diptheria, 562
Direct benefits, of female choice, 257, 259
Direct fitness, 300, 301
Direct method of estimating mutation rates,
Direct response to selection, 151
Direct selection, 259
Directed mutation, 95, 96
Directional selection
defined, 140
description of, 139–141, 142
evolution by, 144–149
measuring the strength of, 143–144
Discicristates, 440
emerging pathogens, 333–334
“of civilization,” 590
See also Epidemics; Genetic diseases;
Infectious diseases
Disjunct distributions
definition and description of, 472, 473
dispersal and, 477, 478, 479
extinction and, 474
Disparity, 65
allopatric speciation and, 236
defined, 474

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