Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


disjunct distributions and, 477
evolution of, 204–206
evolutionary consequences, 206
gene flow and, 193, 204
geographic distributions and, 474, 475–
476, 477–480
passive and active, 193–194, 205
range limits and, 482
Disruptive selection, 142
Distal-less (Dll) gene, 383, 384, 528 , 529
Distribution. See Geographic distribution
Disturbance, dispersal and, 204, 205
Divergence (divergent evolution)
among populations, 186–187
Darwin on, 337
defined, 33
ecological character displacement, 337–
338, 339
estimating time of divergence, 42–43
evolutionary radiations, 50–51
of populations, 8
species diversity and, 340
See also Genetic divergence
Diversification rate
diversity-dependent, 493, 507–508
estimations of species diversity, 493–494
lineage-through-time plots, 506–507
Diversification rate hypothesis, 484
defined, 493
estimating and modeling changes in,
geographic patterns of, 484–486
of human populations, 557–558
human-related mass extinctions and,
introduction, 491–493
natural selection and the evolution of,
phylogenetic studies of, 502–507
studying in the fossil record, 494–495
through the Phanerozoic, 495–501
See also Species diversity
Diversity-dependent factors, 493, 507–508
dN/dS ratio, 184–186, 355
DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA bases
base pairs, 79–80
codon bias, 356
methylation, 96–97, 376
mutation rates, 91
point mutations, 89
DNA methylation, 96–97, 376
DNA parasites, 362–364
DNA polymerase, 347
DNA polymorphisms, 82, 580, 581
DNA sequences
ancestral state reconstruction, 421
evolution of protein-coding genes and,
homologous, 36
molecular clocks, 42
polymorphic, 82, 580, 581
rates of evolution, 42–43
searching for signatures of adaptation,

using phylogenies to determine the
constancy of change in, 416–417, 418
DNA transposons, 363
DNA viruses, 362
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 17
contributions to the evolutionary
synthesis, 16
Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities,
224, 225
on the importance of the theory of
evolution, 7, 573
study of inversions, 90
Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities, 224,
225, 229
Docodonts, 458
Dodd, Diane, 228–229
Dogs (Canis)
canine parvovirus, 334
domestication, 561
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
skull, 540
Dogwoods (Cornus), 484
Dollo’s law, 47–48
Dolphins, 374 , 408 , 462
Domains, of proteins, 349
artificial selection, 105–106, 135, 136 ,
development of agriculture, 560, 561, 562
overview, 561
Domestication traits, 561
Dominance variance, 147
Donkeys, 561
Dorsal trichomes, 523–524
Dorudon, 520
Doublesex (dsx) transcription factor, 529
Douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), 344 , 348–
349, 350, 355
Draba verna, 276
Dragonflies, 449, 450
Drepanophycales, 446
Driven trends, 536–537
“Driver” genes, 591
Dromaeosauridae, 457
alternative splicing of Dscam gene, 358
canalization and genetic assimilation in,
chromosome inversions, 360
de novo genes, 351
determining age of speciation in, 226
ecological speciation, 227, 228–229
effects of mutation on phenotypic
variance, 159
evolution by cis-regulatory mutations and,
382, 383, 384
evolution of geographic ranges, 207
evolution of protein-coding genes in, 355,
evolution of sex combs in, 529
evolutionary constraints, 152
exon shuffling, 349, 350
fushi tarazu gene, 384, 385
gene trafficking in, 353–354

genetic variation and divergence in wing
shape, 532
gradualism and saltation in, 521, 523–524
Hox genes and homeotic mutations, 378,
379 , 380
inversions, 90
K-selection, 282
number of protein-coding genes, 346
reinforcement of reproductive isolation,
transposable elements, 363
Ultrabithorax gene, 383, 384
Drosophila ananassae, 360
Drosophila biarmipes, 377 , 383, 384, 529
Drosophila birchii, 207
Drosophila erecta, 360
Drosophila ficusphila, 529
Drosophila grimshawi, 360
Drosophila guttifera, 382, 383
Drosophila mauritiana, 223
Drosophila melanogaster
antagonistic pleiotropy, 281
artificial selection experiments, 150
chromosome inversions, 360
common ancestry concept and, 581
conflict between mates, 304–305
copulatory isolation, 223
costs of reproduction, 278
dorsal trichomes, 523
effective population size and gene
coalescence, 173
evolution of protein-coding genes in, 355,
eye development, 27–28
fecundity, 276
genetic databases, 377
genetic drift experiments, 168–169
genetic variation and divergence in wing
shape, 532
genome size, 362
homeotic mutations, 94
mutation accumulation, 281
polymorphism at the Adh locus, 174 , 175
selection and codon bias, 178
selective interference and, 268
sexual selection on males, 253
Drosophila mojavensis, 360
Drosophila pseudoobscura, 228–229, 360 , 392
Drosophila sechellia, 223 , 523–524
Drosophila simulans, 223
Drosophila teissieri, 349
Drosophila virilis, 360
Drosophila willistoni, 360
Drosophila yakuba, 349
Drug resistance, 4–6
Dscam gene, 358
Dual-inheritance theory, 597–598
Dubautia menziesii, 51
Duck-billed platypus, 30n
Dunbar, Robin, 558
gene duplication, 90
whole genome duplication, 91
Dusky salamanders (Desmognathus), 48
Dwarfism, 92, 93

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