Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Eagles, 307, 425
Earless lizards, 241–242
Early reproduction
costs and fitness, 283
in growing populations, 279–280
geology of, 432–435
history of life on (see History of life)
origin of, 435
East Asian people, 557
Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina), 510
Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis),
Eastern screech owl (Megascops asio), 215
Ebert, Dieter, 332
Ebola virus, 3, 421, 422 , 592
Ebony protein, 377
Echinaceae, 502, 503
Echinocactus grusonii (barrel cactus), 56
Echinocystitoida, 503
Echinodermata, 442
Echinoderms, 31, 443
Echinoidea, 502, 503
Echinops, 408
Eciton (army ants), 62
Ecological biogeography, 470, 481–484
Ecological character displacement, 337–338,
Ecological inviability, 221
Ecological isolation, 221 , 222
Ecological niche
advantages of specialization, 289, 290
defined, 288
ecological opportunity and, 502
evolution of differences in, 288–289
experiments on niche evolution, 291
multiple niche polymorphisms, 123–124
specialization without trade-offs, 289–291
species distribution and, 482–484
Ecological opportunity, 502
Ecological release, 338
Ecological speciation, 227–229
Ecomorphs, 341
“Ecospace,” 497
Ectodysplasin gene, 418–419
Eda locus, 122, 197 , 203–204
EDB. See Evolutionary developmental biology
Edentata, 460–461
Ediacaran fauna, 441
Ediacaran period, 434 , 441
Effective population size
estimating, 176–177
genetic divergence and, 202–203
polymorphism and, 175
strength of genetic drift and, 172–174,
177–178, 179
Efficiency, evolutionary trends, 538–539
Effik people, 556
Egg-eating snakes, 56
Eggplant (Solanum melogena), 538
amniotic egg, 450n3
anisogamy, 249

gametic isolation, 223
speciation by sexual conflict, 229–230
Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon),
Ehrlich, Paul, 330
Eichhornia paniculata, 482
Eigenmannia, 352
Elapidae, 424
Elderflower orchid (Dactylorhiza sambucina),
Eldredge, Niles, 533–534
Electric fishes, 352
Electric organs, 352
Electroporation, 376
Elephant-nosed fishes, 352
Elephant shrew, 374
diversification in the Cenozoic, 461–462,
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
tusks, 527
Embioptera, 491–492
Embryology, 44
Embryophytes, 446
similarities between, 369, 370
See also Evolutionary developmental
Emerald tree boa (Corallus caninus), 473
Emerging pathogens, 333–334
Encephalartos, 453
ENCODE database, 377
End-Permian mass extinction, 450–451, 496,
498 , 500
Endemics, 471, 472, 473
defined, 322
origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts,
vertical transmission, 315–316
English people, 556
Engrailed gene, 379
defined, 375
evolution by cis-regulatory mutations and,
382–383, 384
Ensatina eschscholtzii, 48
Enteric bacteria, 355
Environment, effects on mutation rates, 95–96
Environmental canalization, 393
Environmental sex determination, 249, 250 ,
Environmental variance, 146
Enzyme electrophoresis, 219
Enzymes, origin of, 437
Eocene epoch, 434 , 459, 460, 462
Eomaia, 458
EPAS1 gene, 187, 556
Epicrates, 424
evolution of, 333–334
reconstructing the origin and spread of,
421, 422
Epigenetic inheritance
definition and description of, 96–97

evolution by natural selection and, 61
evolutionary changes in gene expression
and, 357
Epipedobates trivittatus (poison dart frog), 305
Epistasis, 87, 88
Epistatic variance, 147
Epithelantha micromeris, 248
Epochs, 433, 434
Equidae, 474, 530, 531
Equus, 408 , 531
Eras, 433, 434
Ergothioneine, 563
Erinaceus, 408
Erythrina, 49
Escalatory coevolution, 325–326
Escape-and-radiate coevolution, 322, 323 , 330
Escherichia coli, 216
artificial selection experiments, 150
clocklike evolution in, 183
common ancestry concept and, 581
conjugation, 248
directed mutation, 95, 96
effective population size estimation, 176
evolution of protein-coding genes in, 355
experiments on niche evolution in, 291
horizontal gene transfer, 39
lac operon, 357
Española mockingbird (Nesomimus
macdonaldi), 12
evolution and, 21
natural selection is not a model for, 74
Ethiopian realm, 472
“Ethnic group,” 558
Eugenics, 593
Euglenoids, 440
Euglossa igniventris, 249
Euglossine bees, 248, 249
Euglyphid amoebas, 440
Eukaryotes (Eukarya)
endosymbionts and the evolution of, 316
evolution of genome size, 365
evolutionary origins, 439
gene regulation, 375–381
gene structure, 358–359
genome size variation, 346
a monophyletic group, 426
numbers of protein-coding genes, 345,
origin and evolution in the Precambrian,
Tree of Life, 30–33
Eulipotyphla, 408 , 461
Euphorbia candelabrum, 470
Euphorbiaceae, 470
Euplectes progne (long-tailed widowbird),
Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata), 46
European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), 222
European people, 557
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus),
European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), 297 , 474
European wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), 483

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