Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Eurycea sosorum (Barton Springs salamander),
205 , 207
Euryceros, 51
Eurytemora affinis, 289, 290
Eusociality, 308–310, 539
Eusthenopteron, 447, 448 , 540
Eutheria, 518
Eutriconodonts, 458
Evans, Howard, 491
“Evo-devo.” See Evolutionary developmental
Evolution. See Biological evolution
Evolution Above the Species Level (Rensch), 16
Evolution rates
estimating time of divergence and, 42
factors affecting long-term rates, 529–532,
Evolutionary arms race, 325–326
Evolutionary biology
concerns and goals of, 6–7
before Darwin, 9–10, 11
Darwin’s evolutionary theory, 13–15
Darwin’s scientific career, 10–13
definition and concept of biological
evolution, 7–8
evolutionary synthesis, 16
following Darwin, 15–16
following the evolutionary synthesis,
importance of, 3–6
philosophical issues, 20–21
principles of biological evolution, 18
uses and implications of, 584–593
See also Biological evolution
Evolutionary computation, 584
Evolutionary constraints, 152–153, 154
Evolutionary developmental biology (EDB;
comparative development and evolution,
constraints on adaptive evolution,
definition and origin of, 17
developmental-genetic bases of
phenotypic evolution, 382–386
evolvability and developmental pathways,
introduction to and definition of, 369–370
phenotypic plasticity and canalization,
Evolutionary ecology, 276
Evolutionary epistemology, 584
Evolutionary genetics, 584–585
Evolutionary genomics, 17
Evolutionary Medicine (Stearns & Medzhitov),
Evolutionary psychology, 597
Evolutionary radiations, 50–51, 406–409
Evolutionary reversals, 47–48, 404
Evolutionary science, uses and implications
of, 584–593
Evolutionary side effects, 150, 151–155
Evolutionary stable strategies (ESS), 299, 305
Evolutionary synthesis, 16
Evolutionary trade-offs, 116–117, 152

Evolvability, 386–389
Ewondo people, 556
Exaptation, 66–67, 380, 381
Excavates, 440
Exon shuffling, 349, 350
alternative splicing, 81, 82
defined, 81, 358
Experimental evolution, 19
ecological speciation in the laboratory,
227, 228–229
natural evolutionary experiments, 69–71
revealing evolutionary adaptations, 68–69,
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals,
The (Darwin), 596
adaptation and the rescue of species from,
disjunct distributions and, 474
effects on geographic distribution, 475
See also Mass extinctions
Extinction rates
lineage-through-time plots, 507
in models of change in diversity, 493
in the Phanerozoic, 496–500
Extrafloral nectaries, 504
Extrinsic postzygotic barriers, 221 , 223–224
Eyeless gene, 27–28
convergent evolution, 47
crystallin, 347
development, descent from a common
ancestor concept and, 27–28
evolution of, 526–527
evolutionary reductions, 62
pecten, 68
Eyespots, evolutionary constraints in
butterflies, 153, 154

Fabaceae, 49
“Facilitated variation” hypothesis, 525
Falconiformes, 425
Falcons, 425
Falculea, 51
Fall cankerworm (Alsophila pometaria), 288
False banana, 560
conflict between mates, 304–306
eusocial animals, 308–310
infanticide and siblicide, 306–307, 308
parent-offspring conflict, 308
Family (taxonomic rank), 426
Fangs, 55, 56
Feathers, evolution of, 400 , 416
Fecal therapy, 566
costs of reproduction, 278
evolution by natural selection, 276–277
evolution of population growth rate and
density, 281–287

life tables, 280
number of offspring, 286, 287
senescence and, 280–281
variability in, 276, 277
See also Life history traits; Reproduction
Feet, humans and other apes compared, 550
Felis, 408
Female choice, 257–259
centromeres and selfish DNA, 311
conflict between mates, 304–306
female choice and sexual selection,
infanticide, 306–307
as a limiting resource for males, 254
sex ratios, 260–262
Femur, 388, 389
Fence lizards, 241–242
colonization of land, 447
in plant phylogeny, 446
variation in haploid chromosome number,
90 , 91
Fetal hemoglobin, 353
Fetus, parent-offspring conflict, 308
FGFR3 gene, 93
Fig wasps, 261–262
Figs, 261, 262
Fine, Paul, 486
Finger millet, 560
Fisher, Ronald A., 16, 103, 126, 127, 259, 325
Fisher’s runaway, 259
adaptations of body form for swimming,
69–70, 71
balancing selection, 122
colonization of the land, 447–449
effects of diversity on diversity, 508
evolution in the Paleozoic, 444–446
genome size, 346
impact of commercial fishing on, 58
parental care, 306
semelparity, 284–285
sex change, 287
sexual dimorphisms, 250, 251
See also Cichlids; Freshwater fishes;
Guppy; Teleost fishes; Three-spined
Fissions, 89 , 90–91, 360
Fitch, Walter, 417
in age-structured populations, 279–280
components of, 300
defined, 60
evolutionary stable strategies and, 299
evolutionary trade-offs and, 116–117
frequency-dependent selection, 122–123
heterozygotes and underdominance,
infanticide and, 306–307
kin selection and the evolution of
altruism, 300–303
life history traits as components of,
as a measurement of selection, 107–108

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