Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

mutations and, 93
natural selection and, 60–61
positive selection and, 108–116
as reproductive success, 60, 61
selection maintaining genetic variation in
space, 124
sexual selection in males and, 252–253
trade-offs, 277
Fitness components, 107
Fitness functions, 139–143
of beneficial mutations, 115–116
of deleterious mutations, 179, 180
genetic drift and, 168
selective sweeps, 109–110
Fleas (Siphonaptera), 404, 450
Flippers, 66–67
Flocking, 297
Floreana mockingbird (Nesomimus
trifasciatus), 12
Flour beetles, 314, 384–385
Flowering plants. See Angiosperms
Flowerpiercers (Diglossa), 289, 290 , 508
coevolution between moths and orchids,
321, 322
experimental analysis of animal
pollination, 69, 70
heterotopic rearrangement, 525
orchid mutualisms, 335–336
“pin” and “thrum” phenotypes, 87, 88
pollination by pseudocopulation, 74
trends in self-fertilization, 537–538
See also Orchids
FlyBase, 377
Flycatchers, 472
Flying foxes, 408
Flying lemurs, 461
Flying squirrels, 458
Foote, Michael, 507–508
Foramen magnum, 550
Foraminiferans, 440 , 452, 534, 535
Forelimbs, 36 , 528
Forewings, 521
Formaldehyde, 436
Formicariidae, 473
Fossil record
competitive displacement in, 508
evidence for evolution in, 579–580
historical explanations of geographic
distributions, 476
importance of, 431
incompleteness of, 435
phylogeny and, 401, 402
studying diversity in, 494–495
Founder effect speciation, 234–235, 534
Founder events, 173–174
Four-winged dinosaurs, 416
Fox squirrel (Sciurus niger), 36–37
FOXP2 gene, 357, 557
Foxtail millet, 560
Framingham Heart Study, 565
Fratercula arctica (Atlantic puffin), 66
French people, 556
Frequency, of variant forms, 14

Frequency-dependent selection, 122–123,
Freshwater fishes
impact of habitat destruction on, 587
phylogeography, 480, 481
Fringe-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosus), 252
Fringillidae, 502
developmental constraints on evolution,
latitudinal diversity gradient, 485–486
mosaic evolution, 45, 46
parental care, 305 , 306
phenotypic plasticity and evolution in, 386
thermal tolerance rage, 289
Fruit fly. See Drosophila
Fruitafossor, 458
Fugu, 346
Function of features, 67
Fundamental ecological niche, 482
Fundamental theorem of natural selection,
127, 128–129
evolution of multicellularity, 440
genome size, 346
horizontal gene transfer, 38–39
numbers of protein-coding genes, 346
Tree of Life, 30 , 31
Furanocooumarin, 330
Fushi tarazu (ftz) gene, 378, 379 , 384–385
definition and description of, 89 , 90, 91
evolution of chromosome number and,
tension zones in grasshoppers, 202

Gabon, 421, 422
Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod), 58
β-Galactosidase, 376
Galagos, 408 , 418
Galápagos finches. See Geospiza
Galápagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra),
Galápagos Islands, 11, 214, 471
Galápagos mockingbird (Nesomimus
parvulus), 12
Gale, Emily, 390–391
Gallus, 346 , 525
Game theory, 298
anisogamy, 249
germ line mutations, 94
Gametic isolation, 221 , 223
Gap genes, 378, 379
Garden snail (Cornu aspersum), 169–170
Garter snakes
correlational selection, 142–143
genetic correlations, 153
phylogeny of snakes and lizards, 424
resistance to tetrodotoxin, 326, 327
Gas diffusion, 390
Gasterosteus, 352

Gasterosteus aculeatus. See Three-spined
in the Cenozoic, 459
effects of mass extinctions on, 459, 500
evolution of eyes, 526
extinction rates in the Phanerozoic,
in the Mesozoic, 452, 453
trends in larval development, 537, 538
Gaussian distribution, 137
Gazelles, 326
Geckos, 424 , 585
Gekkonidae, 424
Gene conversion, 352
Gene-culture coevolution, 597–598
Gene deletions, importance in shaping the
genome, 353–354
“Gene drive,” 311–312
See also Meiotic drive
Gene duplication
gene families and the fate of, 351–353
gene trafficking and, 353–354
increase in genome size and, 40
mechanisms of, 347–350
pseudogenes, 353
Gene expression, evolution of, 356–358
Gene families
definition and description of, 351–353
from duplications, 90
from gene duplication, 40–41
Gene flow
defined, 193
dispersal and, 193–194, 204
genetic drift and, 202–204
measuring, 194–196
as migration, 194
selection and, 198–202
Gene-for-gene models, 331
Gene genealogy, 39–40
Gene knockouts (gene knockdowns), 376,
Gene mapping, agriculture and, 586
Gene regulation
Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities and,
Hox genes and the genetic toolkit,
methods of studying, 376–377
overview and description of, 375–377
Gene regulatory networks, 378, 379 , 385, 386,
387, 529
Gene swamping, 200, 201
Gene therapy, 159
Gene trafficking, 353–354
Gene trees
distinguished from phylogenies, 406, 407
genetic drift and the genealogy of genes,
of human mitochondrial DNA, 556
overview and description of, 39–40
using to discover the history of genes and
cultures, 417–419, 420
Genealogical relationships, 33
Generalists, 288–289

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