Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


in biological evolution, 18
coalescence, 171–173
copy number variation, 348
death of, 353–354
defined, 80
dominance and epistasis, 147
duplications, 90
evidence for evolution and, 580, 581
genealogy of, 170–172
genetic constraints on evolution, 532, 533
introns and exons, 81
mixing by recombination, 85–88
mixing by segregation, 83–85
mixing with asexual inheritance, 88
molecular clocks, 182–183
mutation rates, 91
numbers of protein-coding genes in
organisms, 345, 346
origin of, 347–353
paralogous and orthologous, 40
phylogeography, 480, 481
point mutations, 89
searching for signatures of adaptation,
shared, evolution of altruism and, 300–304
speciation genes, 242
structure of, 358–359
transcription and translation, 81–82
Genesis, 9, 21
Genetic accommodation, 394
Genetic algorithms, 584
Genetic assimilation, 393, 394
Genetic bottlenecks, 564
Genetic canalization, 393
Genetic code, 80, 81
Genetic conflict, speciation by, 228–230
Genetic correlations
artificial selection and, 150
causes of, 153–155
constraints and trade-offs, 152–153, 154
definition and discussion of, 151–152
evolutionary side effects and, 116
evolvability and, 386–387
Genetic covariance, 151
Genetic diseases
applications of evolutionary biology to,
mutation load and, 131
positive selection on deleterious
mutations and, 113
Genetic divergence
effects of migration and effective
population size on, 202–203
between populations, 196–198
Genetic drift
definition and discussion of, 61, 166–170
evolution of differences among species,
evolution of genome size and, 365
evolution of protein-coding genes and,
gene flow and, 202–204
genealogy of genes, 170–172
genetic load in the human genome and,

genetic variation within species and, 168,
introduction, 165–166
natural selection and, 177–181
neutral theory of molecular evolution, 17
probability of a beneficial mutation
becoming fixed, 115–116
speciation by, 234–235
spread of chromosome inversions and,
strength of, 172–174, 177–178
ways of studying, 19
Genetic engineering, agriculture and, 586
Genetic line of least resistance, 153
Genetic load, human genome, 563–564
Genetic markers, 218, 219
Genetic system hypothesis, 520
Genetic tool kit, 380, 381
Genetic variation
additive genetic variance, 146, 147
allele frequencies and, 110–111
in biological evolution, 18
constraints on evolution, 532, 533
dominance variance, 147
effects of population bottlenecks and
founder events on, 173–174
epistatic variance, 147
evolution by directional selection and, 145
genetic drift and, 168, 174–177
in human populations, 557
inheritance of, 82–88
mutations as the ultimate source of, 88–91
in northern elephant seals, 165
preserved by selection, 119–124
rate of evolution and, 111
standing genetic variation, 119, 120 ,
underdominance and the reduction of,
Genetical theory of natural selection
deleterious mutations, 130–131
evolution by selection and inheritance,
evolution of a population’s mean fitness,
evolutionary side effects, 116–119
fitness as a measurement of selection,
introduction, 103
natural selection and evolution in real
time, 104–106
positive selection, 108–116
selection favoring the most common
allele, 125–126
selection preserving variation, 119–124
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 586
constraints on evolution, 532, 533
evolutionary, 584–585
inheritance of variation, 82–88
machinery of inheritance, 79–82
Genetics and the Origin of Species
(Dobzhansky), 16
Genic selection, 62–63

Genital arch, 223
Genitalia, 223, 251
Genome scans, 186
Genome size
diversity in, 362
evolution of, 364–365
evolutionary trends, 540
human, 79–80
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS),
157–158, 585, 594
birth of a gene, 347–353
chromosome evolution, 359–361
death of a gene, 353–354
evidence for evolution and, 580, 581
evolution of gene expression, 356–358
evolution of protein-coding genes,
evolution of size and content, 361–365
gene duplication, 40
gene families, 351–353
gene structure, 358–359
genetic parasites and transposable
elements, 362–364
introduction, 345–346
inversions, 90
mutation rates, 91
prokaryotes, 82
rates of DNA evolution, 183
variation in haploid number, 90 , 91
whole genome duplication, 91, 350
See also Human genome; Mitochondrial
Genomic islands of speciation, 242
Genomics, of speciation, 242
in biological evolution, 18
defined, 82
gene mixing by segregation, 83–85
multiple niche polymorphisms, 123–124
phenotypic variance and, 137–139
reaction norm, 391–393 (see also
Phenotypic plasticity)
Genotype × environment (G×E) interaction,
155, 156 , 391 , 392
Genotype frequency, 60
Geographic barriers, allopatric speciation
and, 235–238
Geographic distribution
evolution and, 45
historical explanations of, 476–480, 481
historical factors affecting, 474–476
major patterns, 471–476
range limits, 481–484
reconstruction of evolutionary changes in,
421, 422
See also Ranges
Geological time scale, 433, 434
Geology, 432–435
Geometrid moths, 392
Georgian people, 556
Geospiza (Galápagos finches)
adaptive radiations, 50, 51 , 479
bill size and character displacement, 73
correlated traits, 151

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