Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

directional selection, 140–141
ecological character displacement, 338
gene regulation and differences in beak
morphology, 382
phylogeny, 29
tool making and tool use, 559
Geospiza conirostris, 382
Geospiza fortis, 73, 140–141, 338, 382
Geospiza fuliginosa, 338, 382
Geospiza magnirostris, 73, 382
Geospiza scandens, 382
Geothlypis philadelphia (mourning warbler),
Geothlypis tolmiei (MacGillivray’s warbler),
Gerhart, John, 525
Germ line, 94, 316
Germ line mutations, 94
German cockroach (Blattella germanica), 105
GFP. See Green fluorescent protein
Giant anteater, 473
Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), 373,
Gibberella fujikuroi, 38
Gibbons, 389
Ginkgo, 453
Ginkgo biloba, 453 , 492
Ginkgoaceae, 492
Giraffes, 462
Glacial-interglacial cycles, 459, 463–465
Glaucophyte algae, 440
Global climate change
adaptation and rescue from extinction, 149
adaptation from standing genetic variation
versus new mutations, 147–148
effects on species distributions, 482–483
evolutionary effects of, 59
impact on geographic ranges, 207–208
during Pleistocene glacial episodes,
threats to biodiversity, 587–588
Globin gene family, 40–41, 351
Globorotalia, 530
Glucose aversion, 105
Glucosinolates, 329, 330
Glyptodon, 462
GMOs. See Genetically modified organisms
Gnathonemus, 352
Gnathostomes (Gnathostomata), 444, 445 ,
502, 503
Goats, 462, 561
Goatsbeards (Tragopogon), 232, 233
Gogia spiralis, 443
“Golden rice,” 82
Goldenrods, 338–339
Goldschmidt, Richard, 16, 520, 521
Gomphotherium, 463
Gonads, 251
Gondwana, 449, 451 , 452, 459, 476–477, 478
Good genes mechanism, 258–259
Gorilla, 408
Gorilla gorilla (western gorilla), 548
BRCA1 gene and positive selection, 184
developmental and functional modules in

limb development, 389
effective population size, 176
estimating the human-chimpanzee
divergence time, 417, 418
evolution of HIV, 5
phylogeny of apes, 548
phylogeny of mammals, 408
Gould, John, 11
Gould, Stephen Jay
on contingency in evolution, 541
on predictability in evolution, 540
punctuated equilibria concept, 533–534
“tiers” of evolutionary change concept, 501
Darwin’s notion of evolution and, 14, 46
defined, 14
punctuated equilibria and, 533–534
saltation and, 520–524
Grant, Peter and Rosemary, 73
Granville fritllary (Melitaea cinxia), 205–206
Grass snakes, 424
adaptive radiation in the Cenozoic, 460
clines and copper tolerance, 193, 198–199
clines in prairies, 200
heavy metal tolerance, 72
Grasshopper warbler (Locustella naevia), 7
Grasshoppers, 202, 404, 407 , 450
Grassquits, 479
Gray tree frogs, 212
Gray whales, 176 , 178
Great apes
BRCA1 gene and positive selection, 184
phylogenetic classification, 426
tool making and tool use, 559
Great Chain of Being, 9
Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), 306
Great egret (Ardea alba), 26
Great tit (Parus major), 286
Greater Antilles, 341
Greater double-collared sunbird (Nectarinia
afra), 49
Greater Egyptian jerboa (Jaculus orientalis),
Green algae, 31, 446 , 447
Green anole (Anolis carolinensis), 338, 339
“Green beard” effect, 303–304
Green fluorescent protein (GFP), 376, 377
Green frog (Rana clamitans), 395
Green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri), 258
Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus),
Griffenfly, 449
Ground cherries, 380, 381
Ground finch, 29
Ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus), 36–37
Group selection
altruism and, 297
cultural evolution and, 567
definition and description of, 64, 65 ,
mitochondria and, 316
Grove snail (Cepaea nemoralis), 117, 166
Guanine, 79
Guarani people, 556

Guinea, 421, 422
Guinea pigs, 408 , 561
Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
effects of cichlid predation on life history
traits, 284
pleiotropic effects and the evolution of
mating preferences, 258
rates of phenotypic evolution, 530
selection gradient, 143
Gut microbiome, 590
Guthrie, Woody, 89, 130
GWAS. See Genome-wide association studies
Gymnosperms, 453

Habitat “corridors,” 588
Habitat destruction, 587
Habitat isolation, 221
Habitat patches, gene flow and selection, 199,
200 , 201
Habitat tracking, 531–532
Habitats, environmental changes and
dispersal, 205–206
Hadrocodium, 517 , 518, 519
Hadza people, 563
Haeckel, Ernst, 15, 371
Haikouichthys, 443, 444
Haldane, John B. S., 16, 63, 104, 113, 300
Haldanes, 530
Haldane’s rule, 224
Haldanodon, 458
Halder, Georg, 27
Half-lives, 433
Haliotis, 526
Halteres, 378, 521
Hamilton, William D., 17, 19 , 261, 300
Hamilton’s rule, 300–303
Hammer, 518, 519
Hands, humans and apes compared, 550
“Haplochromis” cyaneus, 409
Haplodiploid sex determination, 250 , 260, 261
calculating relatedness, 301
kin selection and the evolution of
eusociality, 309–310
Haploid chromosome number, 90 , 91
Haplotypes, 39–40
Haptodus, 374 , 517
Haptophytes, 440
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), 520
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
genetic drift and, 168–169
overview and description of, 83–85
Hardy-Weinberg ratios, 195–196
Harpagochromis cf. serranus, 409
Harvey, Paul, 70, 422–423
Hausa people, 556
Hawaiian cricket (Laupala cerasina), 230
Hawaiian honeycreepers, 387 , 502
Hawaiian Islands
dispersal and species distribution, 479–480
formation of, 479
geological origins, 433

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