Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Hawaiian silverwords, 50, 51
Health. See Human health
Heart urchins, 502
Heat-shock proteins, 347, 352
Heavy metal tolerance, 72
Hedgehogs, 408 , 461
Height, variance in, 136
Helianthus annua, 125
Helianthus annuus, 38 , 134 , 234
Helianthus anomalus, 38
Helianthus argophyllus, 125
Helianthus deserticola, 38
Helianthus paradoxus, 38
Helianthus petiolaris, 38 , 234
Heliconia, 49
Heliconiaceae, 49
Heliconiini, 532
Heliconius, 102 , 218, 223, 242, 339, 521
Heliconius cydno, 223 , 329
Heliconius eleuchia, 329
Heliconius elevatus, 218
Heliconius erato, 126
Heliconius melpomene, 126 , 223
Heliconius melpomene aglaope/malleti, 218
Heliconius melpomene amaryllis, 218
Heliconius numata, 154–155
Heliconius pachinus, 222
Heliconius sapho, 329
Heliconius timareta ssp. nov., 218
Helminthosporium maydis (southern corn leaf
blight), 333, 586
Hemichordata, 442
Hemidactylium scutatum, 390
Hemignathus lucidus, 387
Hemignathus obscurus, 387
Hemignathus virens, 387
Hemiptera (true bugs), 404, 450
Hemipteroids, 449
β-Hemoglobin gene
balancing selection and overdominance of
the S allele, 119–122
nonsynonymous mutations in, 80, 81 , 89
A and S alleles, 85
evolution of differences among species,
globin gene family, 40–41, 351
hemoglobin gene, 36–37
subfunctionalization, 353
Hemophilia, 159
Henkelotherium, 458
Henosepilachna (ladybird beetles), 222
Herbivore–plant interactions, evolution of,
325–326, 329–330
Herbivorous insects
advantages of specialization, 289
“host races,” 124
phylogenetic niche conservatism, 484, 532
speciation traits and “host races,” 239–240
species diversity and key adaptations,
“Herd immunity,” 593
Heritability, 145–147
definition and examples of, 247, 248

reproductive assurance and, 249
sequential, 286–287
sexual selection in flowering plants, 260
in vertebrates and arthropods, 250
Herpestes ichneumon (Egyptian mongoose),
Hesperocyparis macrocarpa, 478
Heterocephalus glaber (naked mole-rat), 309 ,
Heterochrony, 372
Heterogametic sex, 224
Heterokonts, 440
Heterostraci, 445
Heterotopy, 372–373
defined, 173
estimating population size and, 176–177
founder events and, 173, 174
loss of in the human genome, 564
MK test and, 186
from neutral mutations, 175
variation among groups of animals, 177
tension zones and selection against, 202
underdominance, 125–126
HGT. See Horizontal gene transfer
Hierarchical classification, 32
Hierarchical organization of life, 44
High altitudes
local adaptation, 186–187, 204
physiology in, 155–156
Higher taxa
in biological evolution, 18
macroevolution, 16
naming, 32
processes in the evolution of, 33
Hill-Robertson effect. See Selective
Hillis, David, 414
Hindlimbs, 528
Hindwings, 521
Hippocampus breviceps, 254
Hippopotamus, 461
Historical biogeography, 470, 476–480, 481
Historical contingency, 125, 540–541
History of life
Cambrian explosion and origins of animal
diversity, 440–443
Cenozoic life, 459–465
emergence of life, 436–437
fundamentals of geology, 432–435
introduction, 431–432
before life began, 435
major evolutionary transitions, 437
Mesozoic life, 452–459
Paleozoic life, 443–451
Precambrian life, 438–440
Hitchhiking, 117–119
Hitler, Adolph, 593
Hoge, Mildred, 27
Hohle Fels cave paintings, 567
Holbrookia maculata, 241–242
Holocene epoch, 434 , 494, 497
Holotypes, 32
Holzapfel, Christina, 59

Homeotic mutations, 94, 378
Homeotic selector genes, 378–381
Hominidae, 426
in ape phylogeny, 548–549
species and evolution, 551–554
Hominoids, 43
Homo, 519
Homo erectus, 552 , 553, 554 , 555
Homo ergaster, 552
Homo floresiensis, 552 , 553
Homo georgicus, 552
Homo habilis, 552, 553, 555
Homo heidelbergensis, 552 , 554
Homo mauritanicus/antecessor, 552
Homo sapiens. See Humans
Homologous characters
defined, 35
evolution from pre-existing features and,
inferring phylogenies, 36–37
defined, 35
emergence of novel characters and,
evolution and, 44
homoplasy and, 404
Homoplasy, 47–50, 404–406, 410–411
Homosexuality, 595, 596
Honeybee (Apis mellifera), 310, 561
Hoofed mammals, 462, 468
Hopeful monsters, 16, 94, 520
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT)
definition and description of, 38–39, 88,
impact on phylogenies, 409, 410
Horizontal transmission
of cultural traits, 567
importance to parasites and pathogens,
virulence and, 333
Horned frogs, 514
Horned lizards (Phrynosoma), 139–140, 219
Horns, vestigial, 116–117
Hornworts, 446
domestication, 561
evolution of body mass in, 530, 531
geographic distribution, 474
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
Horseshoe crabs (Limulus), 531
Horsetails, 446 , 447
“Host races,” 124, 239–240
“Hotspot” genes, 523
House mouse (Mus musculus)
common ancestry concept and, 581
karyotype evolution, 359–360
rates of phenotypic evolution, 530
selfish DNA, 63, 310
See also Mice
House sparrow (Passer domesticus), 474
Howea belmoreana (curly palm), 240
Howea forsteriana (kentia palm), 240
Hox genes, 378–381, 387
Hoxa genes, 381 , 387

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