Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Hoxd13 gene, 387
Huli people, 568
Hull, David, 584
Human behavior
cultural inheritance and, 98
evolution and, overview, 593
evolution and culture, 596–598
understanding nature and humanity,
variation in cognitive abilities, 594–595
variation in sexual orientation, 595, 596
Human behavioral ecology, 596–597
Human evolution
ape phylogeny, 548–549
bipedalism in, 419
brain and language, 558–559
diet and agriculture, 559–562
diversity of human populations, 557–558
evolution of culture, 566–568
evolutionary path from the last universal
common ancestor, 548
hominin species and evolution, 551–554
human brain size, 555
human differences from other apes,
human history of hybridization, 556–557
introduction to, 547
natural selection and the human genome,
origin and spread of humans from Africa,
origin of hominins in the Miocene, 463
Human genome
adaptive evolution in, 562–563
chromosome number, 359
composition of, 358 , 362
deletions, 89
evolutionary mismatches, 565–566
genetic load, 563–564
globin gene family, 40–41
inversions, 90
MK test, 186
natural selection and evolution in real
time, 565
noncoding DNA, 365
polymorphisms, 174
protein-coding genes, 80
size of, 79–80, 540
transposable elements, 362–363, 364
variation in haploid chromosome number,
90 , 91
Human health
antibiotic resistance and, 4–6, 566 ,
applications of evolutionary biology,
cancer, 591–592
deleterious mutations and mutation load
concerns, 131
evolutionary legacies, 589
individual health and public health, 593
mismatch with modern environments,
See also Genetic diseases; Infectious

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 3–4,
5 , 353
Human nature, 598–599
Human populations
adaptive evolution in, 562–563
diversity of, 557–558
estimating effective population size, 176
founder events, 173–174
identifying local adaptation, 204
measuring genetic differences among,
Human sociobiology, 596
Humanitarianism, 21
beneficial gene deletions, 353
bipedalism, 419, 549–550, 552, 553
common ancestry concept and, 581
copy number variation, 348
crystallin, 347
developmental and functional modules in
limb development, 389
emerging pathogens and, 333–334
estimating the human-chimpanzee
divergence time, 417, 418
evolution of gene expression in, 357
evolution of gene expression in
mosquitoes and, 356–357
evolution of HIV, 3–4, 5
evolution of protein-coding genes in,
evolutionary impact of human activity, 465
gene duplications, 348
gene regulation and morphological
differences with chimpanzees, 382
human-related mass extinctions, 501,
inbreeding depression, 270
inferring character evolution in, 41–42
local adaptation, 204
microbiome, 322
milk and maternal effects, 97–98
“Mitochondrial Eve,” 172
mosaic evolution, 45, 46
number of protein-coding genes, 345
parent-offspring conflict, 308
phylogenetic classification, 426
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
positive selection in, 114–115
QTL mapping, 157–158
selective interference and the Y
chromosome, 268
stabilizing selection on birth weight, 141
testes size, 256
variance in height, 136
Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti), 66
Humerus, 36 , 388, 389
Hummingbirds, 49 , 230, 472, 508
Hunchback gene, 379
Hunter-gatherers, 558, 563
Huntington’s disease, 89–90, 130
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, 482
Hutton, James, 9
Huxley, Julian, 21
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 520
Hyaluronan, 585

Hybrid inviability, 221, 224–225
Hybrid speciation, 38, 233–234
Hybrid sterility, 221, 224–225, 227
Hybrid zones, 217–218, 238
among sympatric species, 217–218
human history of, 556–557
monkeyflowers, 220–221
polyploidy and, 350
prezygotic and postzygotic barriers,
from secondary contact, 237–238
Hydrogen cyanide, 436
Hydrogen sulfide, 451
Hydromantes supramontis, 525
Hygiene hypothesis, 566
Hyla chrysoscelis, 212
Hyla versicolor, 212 , 486
Hylidae, 485–486
Hylobates lar (white-handed gibbon), 548
calculating relatedness, 301
eusociality, 308–310
evolution and loss of eusociality, 539
haplodiploid sex determination, 250 , 260
in the Paleozoic, 449
phylogeny of insects, 450
species diversity and key adaptations, 502
See also Wasps
Hyobranchial apparatus, 525
Hypositta, 51
Hypotheses, 8, 578
Hypothetico-deductive method, 19, 71
Hypselodoris bullocki, 2
Hyracoidea, 461
Hyracotherium, 530 , 531
Hyraxes, 408 , 461

Ibo people, 556
“Ice ages,” 459
See also Glacial-interglacial cycles
Ichthyosaurs, 455, 456
Ichthyostega, 447, 448 , 449
Ictalurus, 352
IGF2 gene, 308
IGF2R gene, 308
Igneous rock, 432, 433
Iguana iguana (American green iguana), 483
Iguanas, 424 , 483
Iguanidae, 424
ILS. See Incomplete lineage sorting
Imaginal disc, 378
Immune system, 299
In situ hybridization, 376
Inbreeding, dispersal and, 205
Inbreeding depression, 179, 269–270, 281
Inbreeding load, 179, 180 , 269
Incisors, 518
Inclusive fitness, 300–304
Incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), 406–409
Incumbent replacement, 509, 510, 539
Incus, 518, 519

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