Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Indica rice, 560
“Indicator traits,” 258–259
Indirect fitness, 300–303
Indirect response to selection, 151
Indirect selection, 259
Individual selection
defined, 61
versus group selection, 64, 65
Individualization, 374
Indohyus, 520
Industrial melanism, 104–105, 113, 156
Infanticide, 256, 306–307
Infectious diseases
applications of evolutionary biology to,
from domesticated animals, 562
evolution of, 331–334
See also Epidemics
Inflammatory bowel disease, 590
Influenza virus
creating vaccines against, 592
effective population size, 174
evolution of virulence in, 314
genome, 265
origin in domesticated animals, 562
Inga, 339–340
Ingroups, 36–37
of acquired characteristics, 10, 11
of amplified genes, 352
blending inheritance, 14–15
cultural evolution and, 566–568
cultural inheritance, 61, 98
dual-inheritance theory, 597–598
evolution and, 103, 106–107
genetic machinery of, 79–82
in neo-Lamarckism, 15
nongenetic, 96–98
of variation, 82–88
See also Epigenetic inheritance
Insect wings
evolutionary reversals and winglessness,
genetic assimilation in Drosophila, 393
homeotic mutations in Drosophila, 378
wing-color morphs in butterflies, 154–155
wing spot evolution in Drosophila, 382,
383, 384 , 386
wing spots and gene interactions, 388
Insecticide resistance
evolution of, 58
gene swamping and, 200
selection for, 201
diversification in the Cenozoic, 460
diversification in the Mesozoic, 454
evolution in the Silurian, 447
“host races,” 124
pesticide resistance, 352
phylogeny of, 450
physical constraints on evolution, 390
species diversity and key adaptations, 502,
species richness, 491–492
See also Beetles; Coleoptera; Diptera;

Drosophila; Herbivorous insects;
Hymenoptera; Wasps
Insertions, 89–90
Intelligence, variation among humans,
Intelligent design (ID), 578, 582
Interactions among individuals
altruism, 300–304
cooperation among unrelated individuals,
costs and benefits of, 296
social interactions and cooperation,
spiteful, 296, 304
Interference competition, 338–339
Intermediate forms, 45
Internal fertilization, 304–305
International HapMap Project, 196
Interspecific competition, 337
Intestinal microbiome, 566
Intragenomic conflict, 224
Intraspecific competition, 337
Intrinsic postzygotic barriers, 221 , 223,
Intrinsic rate of increase, 279
Introgression (introgressive hybridization),
218, 409, 410
Introns, 81, 358, 364
Inuit people, 568
in Anopheles mosquitoes, 124, 242
definition and description of, 89 , 90
evolution of chromosome structure and,
sister species and, 225
speciation by random genetic drift and,
Iochrominae, 538
Ipomoea (morning glories), 532
Ipomoea orizabensis, 290
IQ (intelligence quotient), 594–595
Irises (plants), 336
Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus), 15
Irreducible complexity
complex characteristics and, 526–527
intelligent design theory and, 578
Irritable bowel syndrome, 563
Island species, 471
allopatric speciation, 237
gene flow and local adaptation, 199–200
Isoetales, 446
Isoforms, 377
Isolating mechanisms, 220–227
See also Reproductive isolating barriers
Isolation-by-distance, 196–197, 203
Isopods, 255
Isoptera, 308, 450
Isopyrum, 505
Isthmus of Panama, 236, 459, 463, 476
Iteroparity, 279, 285
Iva, 219

Jablonski, David, 484
Jack jumper ant (Myrmecia pilosula), 90 , 91
Jacks, 71
Jacob, François, 374, 573
Jaculus orientalis (greater Egyptian jerboa),
Jadera haematoloma (soapberry bug), 57
Jaguar, 160
Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica),
Japanese people, 348, 556
Japonica rice, 560
in the evolution of mammals, 517–519
snakes, 55, 56
Jellyfishes, 441
Jingwei gene, 349, 350
John Paul II (pope), 577
Julidochromis, 214
Juniper geometer (Patalene olyzonaria), 288
“Junk DNA,” 361, 365
Jurassic period, 434 , 451 , 452, 453, 456

K/Pg boundary, 460
K/Pg mass extinction
adaptive radiation of mammals and, 460
cause of, 457
impact of, 457, 459, 500
rates of origination following, 496, 498 ,
K-selection, 282, 284
K/T extinction, 457, 459
Kangaroo rats, 408
Kangaroos, 460, 461
Kanzi (bonobo), 559
Kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra), 479
Katydids (Tettigoniidae), 257, 325
Kauai Island, 253, 479–480
Kea (Nestor notabilis), 66
Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana), 240
Kenyapithecus platyops, 552
Kenyapithecus rudolfensis, 552
Kettlewell, Bernard, 104
Key adaptations, 502–504, 505
Khirgiz people, 556
Kikuyu people, 556
Kimura, Motoo, 17, 182, 354–355
Kin selection
altruistic traits and, 63
defined, 300
evolution of altruism and, 300–303
evolution of eusociality and, 309–310
evolution of multicellularity and, 316
group selection and, 314
what not to expect of, 74
King, Mary-Claire, 382
King, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, 173
Kirschner, Marc, 525
Kiwis (Apteryx), 276, 277 , 471
Klebsiella pneumoniae, 5 , 592
Knifefishes, 352

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