Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Komodo dragon, 50
Korean people, 556
Kosmoceras, 445
Kreitman, Martin, 186
Krüppel gene, 379

Labial (lab) gene, 379
Labidomera clivicollis (milkweed leaf beetle),
Labrochromis sp. “stone,” 409
Labyrinthulids, 440
Lac operon, 357
Lacandonia schismatica, 525
“Lacertilia,” 424 , 426
Lack, David, 286
Lactase persistence, 114, 562–563
Lactose, 114, 562
Lady crab (Ovalipes ocellatus), 288
Lady-slipper orchids, 473
Ladybird beetles (Henosepilachna), 222
Lagomorpha, 408 , 461
Lagosuchus talampayensis, 456
Lake Malawi, 213, 214
Lake Tanganyika, 213, 214
Lake Victoria, 213, 226, 227
Lamarck, Chevalier de, 10, 14
Lamarckism, 10, 11
Lambeosaurinae, 457
Lance-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata),
Land plants, evolution of multicellularity, 440
captive apes and, 549
human evolution and, 558–559
Language trees, 419
Langurs, 389
Lanius ludovicianus (loggerhead shrike), 139
Lanulatisphaera laufeldii, 439
Lapeirousia anceps, 336
Larval development, trends in gastropods,
537, 538
Larynx, 558–559
Lascaux cave paintings, 546 , 567
Last universal common ancestor (LUCA),
436, 548
Latex, 330, 504
Latimeria chalumnae, 531
Latitudinal diversity gradient, 484–486
Latrodectus hasselti (redback spider), 257
Laupala, 480
Laupala cerasina (Hawaiian cricket), 230
Laurasia, 452, 476, 478
Le Rouzic, Arnaud, 122
Leaf beetles, 503
Leafcutter ants, 294
Leaflets, adaptive design, 68, 69
Leandra subseriata, 290
Learning, cultural inheritance and, 98
adaptive design, 68, 69
phenotypic plasticity, 392 , 393
Lederberg, Joshua and Esther, 95, 96

homeotic mutations in Drosophila, 378
See also Limbs
Legumes, 334–335, 346
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 582
Leishmanias, 440
Leks, 257–258
Lemurs, 418 , 461
crystallin proteins, 347, 352
evolution of eyes and, 527
Lenski, Richard, 291
Lentils, 560 , 561
Lentiviruses, 3
Leopard slug (Limax maximus), 247, 248
Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger, 483
Lepidocolaptes souleyetii, 483
Lepidodendron, 447
insect phylogeny, 450
in the Paleozoic, 449
sex determination, 250
species diversity and key adaptations, 502
Lepidosauromorphs, 455
Lepidosaurs, 455
Lepidosiren, 30n
Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed sunfish), 338
Lepomis punctatus (spotted sunfish), 481
Leptopterus, 51
Lesser Sunda Islands, 173
Lesser yam, 560
Leucochloridium, 325
Levels of selection, 62–65
Lice (Phthiraptera), 404, 450
Life, emergence of, 436–437
see also History of life
Life history traits
as components of fitness, 276–281
evolution of diversity in, 282–285
evolution of population growth rate and
density, 281–287
introduction, 275–276, 277
mating strategies and, 286–287
specialists and generalists, 288–291
trade-offs, 277
Life span
evolution by natural selection, 276–277
variability in, 275, 276
See also Life history traits
Life tables, 279, 280
Lifetime reproduction success, 279
Likelihood methods, 411, 412–413, 414
Lima bean, 560
Limax maximus (leopard slug), 247, 248
Limb development
developmental and functional modules in,
Hox genes in vertebrates, 380, 381
Limber pine (Pinus flexilis), 322, 323
serial homology, 528
See also Legs
Limnoctites rectirostris, 483
Limulus (horseshoe crabs), 531
Limulus polyphemus, 531

Linaria vulgaris (toadflax), 97
Lineage-through-time (LTT) plots, 506–507,
Lineages, 33
Linkage, ruby-in-the-rubbish effect and,
Linkage disequilibrium
definition and description of, 85–88
effects of migration on, 196
genetic correlations and, 154
hitchhiking alleles, 117–119
sympatric speciation and, 239
Linnaeus, Carolus, 9, 32, 215, 424
Lions, 256
Lipochromis melanopterus, 409
Liriodendron, 472
Lisongo people, 556
Lithosphere, 432–433
Little brown bats, 408
Little millet, 560
Liverworts, 446 , 447
“Living fossils,” 531
climate tolerance and range limits, 483
delayed reproduction, 283
evolutionary origins, 455
parapatric speciation, 241–242
phylogenetic classification, 424 , 425, 426
Llamas, 561
Lobe-finned fishes, 446, 447, 540
Lobelia laxiflora, 290
Lobochilotes, 214
Lobose amoebas, 440
Lobsters, 453
Local adaptation
clines, 193
description of, 186–187
gene flow and, 198–199
identifying and testing evidence for,
Locus (loci pl.)
defined, 82
evolution by selection on a single locus,
quantitative traits and, 158–159
Locustella naevia (grasshopper warbler), 7
Loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus), 139
Long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus), 46
Long-tailed widowbird (Euplectes progne),
Long-tongued sphinx moth (Xanthopan
morganii praedicta), 321, 322
Lophiohylini, 486
Lord Howe Island, 240, 241
Losos, Jonathan, 338
Lotus, 346
Low oxygen pressure, local adaptation to,
Loxia curvirostra (red crossbill), 142
Loxodonata, 408
LTT plots. See Lineage-through-time plots
LUCA. See Last universal common ancestor
Lucanus cervus, 255
“Lucy,” 553
Lungfishes, 30n, 447, 472

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