Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Lycium, 538
Lycophytes, 447
Lycopodiaceae, 446
Lyell, Charles, 9
Lymnaea peregra, 97

Macaca, 408
Macaques, 389 , 408 , 418
MacGillivray’s warbler (Geothlypis tolmiei),
Macrocallista maculata, 534
definition and origin of, 16, 516
evolution of novelty, 524–529
gradualism and punctuated equilibria,
gradualism and saltation, 520–524
introduction, 515–516
origin of major new forms of life, 516–519
predictability and contingency in
evolution, 540–541
question of progress, 542
rates of evolution, 529–532, 533
renewed interest in, 17
speciation and phenotypic evolution,
trends, 536–540
Macrotermes, 539
MADS16 gene, 380
“Magic traits,” 239
Magicicada (periodical cicadas), 222
Magma, 432, 433
Maize. See Corn
Majerus, Michael, 104
Major evolutionary transitions, 437
Major Features of Evolution, The (Simpson), 16
Major histocompatibility (MHC) locus, 581
impact on humans, 562
overdominance of the S allele and,
parasite causing, 346
possibility of eradication with meiotic
drive in mosquitoes, 311–312, 592
resistance to, 590
speciation genes in Anopheles mosquitoes
and, 242
Male combat, 254–255
Male-male competition
female choice and, 259
in flowering plants, 260
sexual selection and, 254–256
conflict between mates, 304–306
cytoplasmic male sterility, 312–313
defining, 249–250, 251
infanticide, 306, 307
leks, 257–258
male-male competition, 254–256
segregation distortion and selfish DNA,
sex ratio, 260–262

sexual displays and female choice,
sexual selection and, 252–256
twofold cost of, 263
Malleus, 518, 519
Malpighia glabra, 479
Malpighiaceae, 478, 479
Malthus, Thomas, 11–12
Mammalia, 517–519
adaptive radiation in the Cenozoic,
amniote phylogeny, 455
diversification in the Mesozoic, 456–457,
evolution in the Permian, 450
fetal hemoglobin, 353
genome size, 346
Hox genes, 380
individualization and teeth, 374
K/Pg mass extinction and, 457, 459
origin of, 517–519
phylogeny of, 408, 458 , 461
sex determination, 250
Mammuthus, 463
Mandenka people, 556
Mandibles, 55
Mandibulates, 447
Mandrills, 5
Manduca quinquemaculata, 394
Manduca sexta, 394
Mangabeys, 4, 5
Mangrove finch, 29
Manioc, 561
Mantle, 432 , 433
Mapping cross, 156–157
Marchantiopsida, 446
Marine animals
diversity through the Phanerozoic,
effects of mass extinctions on, 500, 501
genetic divergence between fish
populations, 197–198
“tiers” of evolutionary change concept, 501
vicariance, 475
Marine copepods, 224, 225 , 234–235
Marine life
diversification in the Cenozoic, 459–460
limits to species diversity, 507–508
in the Mesozoic, 452, 453
Marmosets, 408 , 418 , 472
Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), 297
Marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris), 7
“Marsupial mice” (Antechinus), 282–283
disjunct distributions, 472
evolution in the Cenozoic, 460
extinct, 462
phylogeny of mammals, 458 , 461
Martes foina, 340
Marx, Karl, 21
Mass extinctions
“big five,” 496
defined, 496

diversification of higher taxa following,
at the end of the Pliocene, 465
end-Permian, 450–451, 496, 498 , 500
human-related, 465, 501, 587–588
K/Pg extinction (see K/Pg mass extinction)
megafaunal extinction, 465
Ordovician, 444, 496, 498 , 500
origination rates following, 498
patterns of survival through, 500–501
“tiers” of evolutionary change concept, 501
Triassic, 452, 496, 498 , 500
Mass spectrometry, 376
Matching allele models, 331
Material Basis of Evolution, The (Goldschmidt),
Maternal effects, 97–98
Mates, conflict between, 304–306
Mating displays
altruistic, 302, 303
leks, 257–258
Mating strategies
alternative, 255
inbreeding risk and dispersal, 205
life histories and, 286–287
Mating success, sexual selection in males and,
Maxilla, 55, 56
Maximum likelihood estimation, 411, 412,
Mayr, Ernst, 16, 19 , 234–235, 541
Mbenzele people, 556
Mbipia lutea, 409
Mbipia mbipi, 409
Mbuti people, 348 , 556
Mc1r gene, 199, 200 , 361
McDonald, John, 186
Mean fitness
defined, 109, 126
fundamental theorem of natural selection
and adaptive landscapes, 127–129
mutation load and, 130–131
Mechanical isolation, 221
Medawar, Peter, 280–281
Medicine, applications of evolutionary
biology, 589–593
Medzhitov, R., 589
Megafaunal extinction, 465, 560
Megaloceros giganteus (Irish elk), 15
Meganeura, 449
Megascops asio (eastern screech owl), 215
Megascops kennicottii (western screech owl),
Megatherium, 462
gene mixing by recombination, 85–88
genetic drift and, 166
Meiotic drive
chromosome evolution and, 359–360
chromosome inversions and, 361
possible control of malaria with, 311–312,
segregation distortion and, 62
Melanesian people, 556, 557

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