Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Melanic forms, 104–105, 113
Melanin, 393
Melanism, 156, 160
Melanochromis, 214
Melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) gene, 160, 386
Melanoplus marshalli, 407
Melanoplus montanus, 407
Melanoplus oregonensis, 407
Melanoplus triangularis, 407
Meleagris gallopavo (wild turkey), 302, 303
Meles meles, 340
Melitaea cinxia (Granville fritllary), 205–206
Mellivora capensis, 340
Memes, 567
MER20 transposon, 383
Merychippus, 531
Mesohippus, 531
Mesosaurs, 455
Mesozoic era, 433
marine life, 452, 453
patterns of diversity in, 495–496
periods and major events, 434 , 452
terrestrial plants and arthropods, 453–454
vertebrates, 454–459
Mesozoic marine revolution, 452, 453 , 459
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
alternative splicing (see Alternative
protein synthesis, 81, 82
in situ hybridization, 376
Metabolic rate, 563
Metacarpals, 36 , 388, 389
Metamorphic rock, 432
Metatarsals, 388, 389
Metatheria, 517
Metazoa, 441
Methane, 436
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA), 39, 585
Methylation. See DNA methylation
Metrarabdotos auriculatum, 534
Metrarabdotos colligatum, 534
Metrarabdotos tenue, 534
Metrioptera roeselii (Rosel’s bush-cricket), 206
Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis),
Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus), 152
infanticide, 306–307
morphological modules in digit
development, 388–389
number of protein-coding genes, 346
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
selfish DNA, 310
selfish genetic elements, 63
See also House mouse
Microbiome, 322, 590
Microcebus, 408
Microcoryphia (bristletails), 404
Microevolution, 16, 516
Microfossils, 438, 439
Microinjection, 376
Micropterigidae, 454
Microraptor gui, 416
MicroRNAs, 376

Microspondia, 440
Microsporidian parasites, 332, 333
Micrurus, 424
Mid-oceanic ridges, 432
Middle ear, 518–519
as gene flow, 194 (see also Gene flow)
measuring, 194–196, 203
Migration rate, 194–195
Migration variance, 195
artificial selection, 149 , 150
lactose and lactase persistence, 114
maternal effects and, 97–98
Milkweed leaf beetle (Labidomera clivicollis),
Milkweeds (Apocynaceae), 329, 330, 470 , 504
Miller, Robert, 386–387
Miller, Stanley, 436
Milleretta, 540
Millets, 560 , 561
Millipedes, 449
Mimetica, 325
Mimicry, 327 , 328–329
Mimulus (monkeyflower), 220–221, 227, 311
Mimulus cardinalis, 220–221, 227
Mimulus lewisii, 220–221, 227
Mine soils, 193, 198–199
Miocene epoch, 434 , 462, 463
Mirounga angustirostrus (northern elephant
seal), 164 , 165, 166 , 173
cytoplasmic male sterility, 312–313
endosymbiotic origins, 316, 439
evolution of, 336
Tree of Life, 31
“Mitochondrial Eve,” 172
Mitochondrial genome
evolutionary effects of mutations in, 19
genealogy of, 172
horizontal gene transfer with the nucleus,
human evolution and, 555–556
Mitter, Charles, 503–504
MK test, 186
Mkamba people, 556
Mniotilta, 506
Mockingbirds (Nesomimus), 11, 12
Model organisms, 581
Modern synthesis, 16
Modules, in development, 373–374, 388–389
Moegistorhynchus longirostris, 336
Moeritherium, 463
Molars, 518, 519
Molecular clocks
definition and concept of, 42, 182–183
determining age of speciation from, 226
Molecular evolution, 17
See also Neutral theory of molecular
Moles, 527
Molluscs (Mollusca), 442 , 443, 531–532
Monkeyflower (Mimulus), 220–221, 227, 311
convergent evolution, 470

developmental and functional modules in
limb development, 388, 389
origins in the Oligocene, 463
Monod, Jacques, 374
Monodelphis, 519
Monogamous species, 70–71
Monogamy, 568
Monophyletic taxa
in classification, 425
defined, 32, 33, 402
Monotremes (Monotremata), 458 , 461 , 517
Monstera deliciosa, 373
Moorish idol, 71
Moose (Alces alces), 192
Morality, natural selection is not a model for,
Moraxella catarrhalisis, 5
Morganucodon, 517 , 518–519
Morganucodonts, 458
Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex), 257
Morning glories (Ipomoea), 532
Morphogens, Turing model of diffusion, 374,
Morphological integration, 386–387
Mosaic evolution, 44–46
evolution of gene expression, 356–357
genomic islands of speciation, 242
insecticide resistance, 200, 201
meiotic drive and the possibility of
eradicating malaria, 311–312, 592
number of protein-coding genes, 346
“Moss animals.” See Bryozoans
Mosses, 446 , 447
Most recent common ancestor (MRCA), 33,
coevolution with orchids, 321, 322
insect phylogeny, 450
Micropterigidae, 454
specialists and generalists, 288
species diversity and key adaptations, 502,
Mourning warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia),
Mouse-ear cress. See Arabidopsis
Mouse lemurs, 408 , 418
MRCA. See Most recent common ancestor
MRSA. See Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
Ms gene, 388
Muchhala, Nathan, 336
Mucor circinelloides, 38
Müller, Fritz, 328
Muller, H. J., 267
Muller, Herman, 224
Müllerian mimicry, 328–329, 521
Muller’s ratchet, 267–268
cooperation and, 316
evolution of, 316, 439–440
Tree of Life, 31
Multidrug-resistant bacteria, 592
Multiple niche polymorphisms, 123–124

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