Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Multituberculates (Multituberculata), 458 ,
508 , 510
Mung bean, 560
Murex, 453 , 526
Mus, 346 , 408
Mus musculus. See House mouse
“Museum” idea, 484–486
Music, 598
Muskrats, 471
Mustards (Brassicaceae), 329, 365
Mustela erminea, 340
Mustela frenata, 340
Mustela nivalis, 340
Mustelidae (weasels), 340
Mutation accumulation, 92, 280–281
Mutation load, 130–131
Mutation rates
defined, 91
for deleterious alleles, 131
estimating, 92
natural selection and, 93–94
randomness and, 95–96
variation in, 91
Mutation-selection balance, 130
Mutationist theories, 16
cultural mutations, 567
defined, 88
effects of, 92–94
germ line mutations, 94
homeotic, 94
homoplasy and, 405–406
human genetic diseases, 590
mutation accumulation, 92, 280–281
point mutations, 89
quantitative traits and, 159
randomness and, 94–96
segregation distortion, 310–311
somatic mutations, 94, 591–592
versus standing genetic variation as a
source of adaptation, 147–148
structural mutations, 89–91
transitions and transversions, 95
benefits to species, 322
defined, 296, 334
endosymbionts and vertical transmission,
evolution of, 334–337
Myo-2 gene, 376
Myoglobin, 40–41
Myotis, 408
Myrmecia pilosula (jack jumper ant), 90 , 91
Mystacornis, 51
Myxoma virus, 314–315, 332–333
Myzus persicae, 38

Naja, 424
Naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), 309 ,
Nanos gene, 378
Nasonia vitripennis, 312

Nasuia deltocephalinicola, 362
Natrix, 424
Natural evolutionary experiments, 69–71
Natural laws, 578
Natural resources, practical uses of
evolutionary biology and, 585–587
Natural selection
adaptation and, 56
biological evolution and, 13–14, 18, 60–61
(see also Biological evolution)
a broad and flexible concept, 584
chance and, 61
codon bias and the evolution of
synonymous mutations, 356
defined, 60
documentation of, 583–584
effective environment depends on the
organism, 61–62
evolution by, inheritance and, 106–107
evolution of diversity and, 72–74
evolution of reproductive isolation by,
fitness as a measurement of, 107–108
fundamental theorem of, 127, 128–129
gene flow and, 198–202
genetic drift and, 177–181
genetical theory of (see Genetical theory of
natural selection)
group selection and, 313–315
human genome and, 562–563
imperfections and constraints, 71–72
levels of, 62–65
linkage disequilibrium and, 87, 88
meaning of, 59–61
mutation rates and, 93–94
in real time, 104–106
reinforcement by reproductive isolation,
selection of and selection for, 67
selfish DNA and, 310–312
selfish mitochondria and, 312–313
sex ratio and, 261–262
side effects, 116–119
on a single locus, evolution by, 109
ways of studying, 19
what not to expect of, 74
Natural Theology (Paley), 56–57
Naturalistic fallacy, 21
Nautiloids, 444, 445
Nautilus pompilius, 445
Neander Valley, 554
brain size compared to humans, 547
Denisovans and, 554
gene tree and relatedness to humans, 555,
in hominin evolution, 552
hybridization with Homo sapiens, 556–557
Nearctic realm, 472
Neck vertebrae, 72
Nectar-feeding birds, 49
Nectar spurs, 504, 505
Nectarinia afra (greater double-collared
sunbird), 49
Nectariniidae, 49

Nectria haemotococca, 38
Negative frequency-dependent selection, 255
Negative genetic correlations, 278
Neisseria gonorrheae, 4
Nematodes, 346 , 350
Nemertea, 442
Nemoria arizonaria, 392
Neo-Darwinism, 16
Neo-Lamarckism, 15
Neochromis gigas, 409
Neochromis omnicaerulues, 409
Neochromis rufocaudalis, 409
Neochromis sp. “unicuspid scraper,” 409
Neocortex, 558
Neofunctionalization, 352
Neogene period, 434 , 474
“Neohexaploids,” 233
Neoteny, 372, 373
Neotropical realm, 472, 473
Neritina communis (zigzag nerite), 78
Nesomimus (mockingbirds), 11, 12
Nesomimus macdonaldi (Española
mockingbird), 12
Nesomimus melanotis (San Cristóbal
mockingbird), 12
Nesomimus parvulus (Galápagos
mockingbird), 12
Nesomimus trifasciatus (Floreana
mockingbird), 12
Nestor notabilis (kea), 66
Net-casting spiders, 325
Net diversification rate, 493, 498
Neurospora, 346
Neurospora crassa, 38
Neutral alleles, 61
Neutral mutation rate, 175, 182
Neutral theory of molecular evolution
definition and discussion of, 17, 182–183
positive selection and, 354–355
New Caledonian crow (Corvus moneduloides),
New World monkeys, 389 , 470
New Zealand, 66
New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus
antipodarum), 265
Newtonia, 51
Nicotiana, 538
Nipples, 116
defined, 33
polytomy, 38
Nolana, 538
Nomenclature, 32
Non-African people, mitochondrial gene tree,
Noncoding DNA
description of, 82
genetic parasites and transposable
elements, 362–364
genome evolution and, 364–365
genome size and, 361
Nongenetic inheritance, 96–98
Nonopposable toes, 41–42
Nonsynonymous mutations
defined, 80, 81

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