Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Papio cynocephalus (yellow baboon), 298
Papua New Guinea highland people, 556
Parabasalids, 440
Paraceraurus, 443
Paracerceis sculpta, 255
Paradise kingfishers, 235
Paralabidochromis chilotes, 409
Paralabidochromis sp. “rockribensis,” 409
Paralabidochromis sp. “short snout scraper,”
Parallel evolution (parallelism), 47, 114–115
Paralogous genes, 40
Paralogs, 351
Paramys, 508
Paranthropus, 552
Paranthropus aethiopicus, 552
Paranthropus boisei, 552
Paranthropus robustus, 552
Parapatric populations, 217
Parapatric speciation
defined, 235, 236
description of, 241–242
dispersal and, 477–478
Paraphyletic taxa, 32, 425–426
Parareptiles, 455
Parasaurolophus, 457
Parasexuality, 248
evolution of parasite–host interactions,
324–325, 327–328, 331–334
evolutionary benefits of recombination
and, 265
infectious diseases, 592
virulence and horizontal transmission, 315
Parasitic trematodes, 325
Parategeticula, 334, 335
Paratypes, 32
Pareiasaurs, 455
Parent-offspring conflict, 308
Parental care
conflict between mates, 305–306
kin selection and, 63
Parhyale, 377
bootstrapping used with, 414
defined, 36
in estimating phylogenies, 403, 410–411,
Parsnip webworm (Depressaria pastinacella),
Parsnips, 330
Parthenogenesis, 263–264
Partial reproductive isolation, 236, 237
Partridge-pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata), 149,
Parus major (great tit), 286
Pascal, Blaise, 541
Passer domesticus (house sparrow), 474
Passeriformes, 425
Passerine birds, 254
Passionflowers (Passifloraceae), 339, 532
Passive dispersal, 193–194, 205
Passive trends, 536, 537
Pasteuria ramosa, 331–332
Pastinaca sativa (wild parsnip), 330

Patalene olyzonaria (juniper geometer), 288
Patella, 526
Patella (kneecap), 527
evolution of virulence, 314–315, 331–334
evolutionary benefits of recombination
and, 265
infectious diseases, 591–593
Pauw, Anton, 336
Pax6 gene, 27–28, 529
Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), 38 , 124
Peak shifts, 180, 181
Peanuts, 561
Pearl fishes, 508
Pearl millet, 560
Peas, 560
Pectate lysases, 350
Pecten, 68
Pectoral girdle, 521, 522
Pelagibacter ubique, 172, 365
Pelodryadinae, 486
Peloria mutant, 97
Pelycosaurs, 455
Penguins, 66–67
Penicillin, 585
Penicillium chrysogenum, 585
diversity in shape and size in primates,
sperm competition, 256
Penis spines, 382
Penstemon barbatus, 70
Penstemon strictus, 70
Peppered moth (Biston betularia), 104–105,
113, 156, 364
Peppers, 560 , 561
Perceptual biases, 258
Periodical cicadas (Magicicada), 222
Periods, 433, 434
Peripatric speciation, 234–235
Perissodactyla, 408 , 461 , 462
Permain/Triassic (P/Tr) boundary, 496
Permian period
end-Permian mass extinction, 450–451,
496, 498 , 500
major events in, 434 , 449
Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse), 302
Peromyscus polionotus, 302
Pesticide resistance, 352
Pesticides, 586
Pests, biological control, 586–587
Petrochromis, 214
Petrotilapia, 214
Phaeognathus hubrichti, 48
Phaeosphaeria nodorum, 38
Phalanges, 36
Phalaropus fulicarius (red phalarope), 254
Phanerozoic era, 433, 434 , 495–501
in biological evolution, 18
defined, 82
estimating phylogenies from, 414–416
optimum, 141
Phenotype screening, 92
Phenotypic evolution

artificial selection, 105–106, 135, 136 ,
developmental-genetic bases of, 382–386
evolution by directional selection, 144–149
fitness functions and selection on
quantitative traits, 139–143
genetic architecture of quantitative traits,
introduction, 135–136
measuring the strength of directional
selection, 143–144
phenotypic plasticity, 155–156
speciation and, 534–536
ultimate and proximate developmental
causes, 371, 386
variation in quantitative traits, 136–139
Phenotypic integration, 386–389
Phenotypic plasticity
alternative splicing and, 358
canalization, 393
definition and description of, 155–156,
differences between populations, 198
evolution and, 394–395
Phenotypic variance
definition and discussion, 136–139
effects of mutation on, 159
estimation, 147
heritability and, 146
selection differential and, 145
Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), 572
Philodina roseola, 263
Philomachus pugnax (ruff), 361
Philosophie Zoologique (Lamarck), 10
Phiomia, 463
Phleum pratense (timothy), 285
Phlox cuspidata, 231
Phlox drummondii, 231
Phocoena, 520
Phocoena phocoena (harbor porpoise), 520
Pholidota, 461
Photosynthesis, evolution in the Precambrian,
Phrynosoma (horned lizards), 139–140, 219
Phrynosoma cornutum, 219
Phrynosoma coronatum, 219
Phrynosoma douglassi, 219
Phrynosoma mcallii, 139 , 219
Phrynosoma modestum, 219
Phrynosoma platyrhinos, 219
Phrynosoma solare, 219
Phthiraptera (lice), 404, 450
Phycomyces blakesleeanus, 38
Phyletic gradualism, 533–534, 535
Phyllomedusinae, 486
Phylogenetic constraints, 72
Phylogenetic method of estimating mutation
rates, 92
Phylogenetic niche conservatism, 484,
Phylogenetic species concept, 217
Phylogenetic trees
branch lengths, 35
definition and overview, 33
equivalent ways of drawing, 34–35

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