Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Population size
effective (see Effective population size)
estimating, 176–177
survival from extinction and, 148–149
adaptation and rescue from extinction,
age-structured, fitness in, 279–280
artificial selection experiments, 150
biological evolution and, 7–8, 18
bottlenecks, 173
Darwin’s evolutionary theory and, 14
divergence among, 186–187
evolution of mean fitness, 126–129
fate of beneficial mutations in, 180–181
founder events, 173–174
gene mixing by segregation, 83–85
genetic divergence between, 196–198
genetic drift and, 168–170 (see also Genetic
mean fitness, 109
mutation load and mean fitness, 130–131
See also Human populations
Populus (poplars), 277
Porcine circovirus type 1, 362
Porcupines, 461 , 479
Porichthys, 352
Porifera, 441
Poseidonamicus, 532, 533
Positive frequency-dependent selection, 126
Positive genetic correlations, 278
Positive selection
definition and example of, 108–109
deleterious mutations and, 113
evolution of protein-coding genes and,
MK test, 186
neutral theory of molecular evolution and,
probability of beneficial mutations
becoming fixed, 115–116
rate of adaptation, 110–115
searching genes for signatures of, 183–187
selective sweeps, 109–110
using hitchhiking genes to identify,
Postmating prezygotic barriers, 221
Postosuchus kirkpatricki, 415
Postzygotic barriers
cannot evolve by natural selection,
description of, 221–222, 223–225
speciation and, 227
Potamopyrgus antipodarum (New Zealand
mud snail), 265
Potato family (Solanaceae), 380, 381 , 537–538
Potatoes, 560 , 561
Prader-Willi syndrome, 589
Prairies, 200
Prasinophyte algae, 440
Pre-existing features, evolution from, 43
Preadaptation, 66
Precambrian, 438–440
evolution of predator–prey interactions,

324–325, 326–327
Mesozoic marine revolution, 452, 453
Predictability, evolution and, 540
Preference genes, 259
Pregnancy, 383
Premating barriers, 221
Premaxillary bone, 382
Prenasal cartilage, 382
Prey, evolution of predator–prey interactions,
324–325, 326–327
Prezygotic barriers
description of, 221–223
reinforcement by reproductive isolation,
speciation and, 226–227
Priapella olmecae, 258
Priapulida, 442
Price, Trevor, 151
Primary sexual traits, 251
convergent evolution, 470
developmental and functional modules in
limb development, 388, 389
diversity in penis shape and size, 248
estimating the divergence times of
lineages, 417, 418
Linnaeus’s definition of, 424
origins in the Cenozoic, 462–463
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
social interactions in, 596
sperm competition, 256
Tree of Life, 31
See also Bonobo; Chimpanzee; Great apes;
Humans; Monkeys; Neanderthals;
Primrose (Primula vulgaris), 87, 88
“Prisoner’s dilemma,” 298, 299
Probainognathus, 517
Proboscidea, 461 , 463
Procavia, 408
Procolophonids, 455
Procynosuchus, 517
Proganochelys quenstedti, 510
Progress, evolution and, 542
gene structure, 358
genomes, 82, 346
horizontal gene transfer, 39
a paraphyletic group, 426
in the Precambrian, 438
See also Bacteria
Prolactin, 383
Promoters, 375
Proso millet, 560
Protein-coding genes
evolution of, 354–356
gene regulation, 375–381
genome size and, 362
numbers in eukaryotes, 345, 346
domains, 349
molecular clocks, 182–183
origin of, 437
synthesis, 81–82
Proterozoic era, 434 , 438

Protists, 346
Protobombus, 454
Protocontinents, 435
Protolepidodendrales, 446
Protomimosoidea, 453
Protostelid slime molds, 440
Proximate causes, 7
of phenotype, 371, 386
Prozeuglodon, 374
Pseudacris, 486
Pseudobias, 51
Pseudocopulation, 74
Pseudogenes, 183, 353, 532
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 302–303
Pseudomonas fluorescens, 291
Pseudotropheus, 214
Psilophyton, 446
PSR chromosomes, 312
Psychiatric illnesses, 590
Psychotria, 480
Pteraspis, 445
Pterodactylus, 456
Pteropus, 408
Pterosaurs, 36 , 455 , 456
Ptychohyla clade, 486
Public health, individual health and, 593
Puffballs, 190
Puffer fish, 346 , 375
Pull of the Recent, 494
Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus), 338
Punctuated equilibria, 533–534, 535
Pundamilia nyerere, 409
Pundamilia pundamilia, 409
Pundamilia sp. “pink anal,” 409
Purifying selection
defined, 130, 175
dN/dS ratio and, 185
MK test, 186
neutral theory of molecular evolution on,
removal of deleterious mutations, 185,
353, 354, 355
Purple bacteria, 336
Puya dasylirioides, 285
Pygathrix nemaeus (douc langur), 344 , 348–
349, 350, 355
Pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea), 216
Pyrenestes ostrinus (black-bellied seedcracker),
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, 38

QTL. See Quantitative trait loci
QTL mapping, 156–158
Quadrate bone, 517 , 518, 519
Quadrupedal monkeys, 388, 389
Quadrupedalism, 419
Quaking aspens, 275
Quaking grass (Briza media), 285
Quantitative genetics, 135
Quantitative trait loci (QTL)
agriculture and QTL analysis, 585

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