Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

analysis of reproductive isolation in
monkeyflowers, 220
defined, 156
mutation and, 159
QTL mapping, 156–158
Quantitative traits
artificial selection, 149–150
clines in, 201
defined, 135
evolution by directional selection, 144–149
fitness functions describe selection on,
genetics of, 158–160
heritability, 145–147
measuring the strength of directional
selection, 143–144
quantitative trait loci, 156–158
testing the hypothesis of local adaptation
in, 204
variation in, 136–139
Quaternary period, 434
Queens (eusocial animals), 308–310
Quercus (oaks), 484
Quillworts, 446
Quinoa, 560 , 561

r-Selection, 282
Rabbits, 408 , 461
“Race,” 558
Radiolarians, 440
Radiometric dating, 433
Radius, 36 , 388, 389
Ragweeds, 219, 280
Ramsey, Justin, 233
Rana clamitans (green frog), 395
Random genetic drift. See Genetic drift
Randomness, mutations and, 94–96
evolution of, 207–208
historical factors affecting, 474–476
impact of global climate change on,
range limits, 481–484
See also Geographic distribution
Ranunculus aquatilis (water-crowfoot), 392
Rats, 408 , 581
Rattlesnakes, 55, 56 , 424 , 425
Rattus, 408
Rattus norvegicus, 581
Raup, David, 496–497
Raven, Peter, 330
Ray-finned fishes, 446
Reaction norms, 155, 156 , 391–393
See also Phenotypic plasticity
Recent epoch, 494
See also Holocene epoch
Reciprocal translocations, 90, 225
Reciprocity, 298–299, 597
Recombination, 265–268
Recombination rate, 85
Red algae, 346 , 440

Red-billed oxpecker (Buphagus
erythorhynchus), 320
Red blood cells, 346
Red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra), 142
Red deer (Cervus elaphus), 254–255
Red diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus
ruber), 56
Red phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius), 254
Red Queen hypothesis, 265, 325, 500
Red squirrels, 323
Redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti), 257
Ree, Richard, 486
Reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), 327
Reedhaunters, 483
Refugia, 465
Reindeer, 561
Reinforcement, 230–232
calculating, 301
evolution of altruism and, 300, 302
in Hamilton’s rule, 300, 302
Relationship quantitative trait loci (rQTL),
Relative fitness, 108, 109, 143
Relative rate test, 417
Relicts, 476
evolution and, 21
failure of the argument from design,
possible cultural and genetic bases of, 598
theistic evolution, 577
See also Creationist movement
Rensch, Bernhard, 16, 516
Replica plate experiment, 95, 96
Replication slippage, 347
Reporter constructs, 376, 377
costs of, 278
fitness in age-structured populations,
humans and other apes compared, 551
lifetime reproductive success, 279
senescence and, 280–281
trade-offs, 277
See also Fecundity; Life history traits;
Sexual reproduction
Reproduction effort, 277
Reproductive assurance, 249, 269
Reproductive isolating barriers (RIBs)
classification of, 221
evolution by pleiotropy, 228
overview and description of, 220–222
postzygotic barriers, 221–222, 223–225,
prezygotic barriers, 221–223, 226–227
rate of evolution, 225–227
Reproductive isolation
biological species concept and, 215, 216,
causes of, 227–235
defined, 215
overview and description of, 220–222
partial, 236, 237
postzygotic barriers, 221–222, 223–225,

prezygotic barriers, 221–223, 226–227
rate of evolution, 225–227
reinforcement of, 230–232
speciation traits and “host races,” 239–240
Reproductive success, as fitness, 60, 61
Reptiles (Reptilia)
amniote phylogeny, 455
classification, 32, 425–426
climate tolerance and range limits, 483
genome size, 346
sex determination, 250
See also Lizards; Snakes; Turtles
Resin, 504
evolution of competitive interactions and,
male-male competition and, 255
“Resurrection studies,” 332
Retotransposons, 363
Retrotamonads, 440
Retrotransposition, 347
Retrovirus vectors, 376
Reznick, David, 283–284
Rhagoletis pomonella (apple maggot fly),
Rhamphochromis, 214
Rhinella marina (cane toad), 206
Rhinoceros, 461
“Rhinogradentia,” 390
Rhipidoblattina, 454
Rhizaria, 440
Rhizobia, 334–335
Rhodosporidium, 38
Rhynchocephalians, 455
Rhyniopsida, 446
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
as genetic material, 80
origin of life and, 436–437
Ribosomal RNA genes, 352
Ribosomes, 437
RIBs. See Reproductive isolating barriers
Ribs, 521, 522
Rice, William, 305
Rice (Oryza sativa)
domestication, 560 , 561
genome size, 540
“golden” strain, 82
number of protein-coding genes, 346
Richerson, Peter, 598
Ricklefs, Robert, 484
Riedl, Rupert, 387
RNA. See Ribonucleic acid
RNA interference (RNAi), 376
RNA ligase, 436, 437
RNA polymerases, 375, 436–437
RNA ribozymes, 437
RNA-seq, 376
RNA viruses, 363
“RNA world,” 436–437
RNASE1B gene, 349, 350, 355
Roaches, 450
Rock pocket mouse (Chaetodipus intermedius),
160 , 199, 200

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