Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


geology of Earth, 432–435
radiometric dating, 433
Rodents (Rodentia)
competitive displacement, 508, 510
dispersal and speciation, 479
origin in the Paleocene, 462
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
speciation, 471
species richness, 492
See also House mouse; Mice
Rodhocetus, 520
Root (of a phylogenetic tree), 33
Rosel’s bush-cricket (Metrioptera roeselii), 206
Rotifers, 276
Rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa), 326,
Ruby-in-the-rubbish effect, 266–267
Rudists, 452
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax), 361
Ruminants, 462
Rupicola peruvianus (cock-of-the-rock), 258
Rynchops niger (black skimmer), 387

S allele, 80 , 85, 89, 120–122
Saber-toothed cat, 462
Saccharomyces, 346
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 93 , 267 , 581
Sahelanthropus, 551
Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 552
active dispersal and, 205, 207
allopatric speciation, 236, 237
developmental constraints on evolution,
endemics, 471
evolution of novel features, 524–525
evolutionary change in metamorphosis,
evolutionary reversals, 48
genetic divergence between populations,
neoteny, 372, 373
partial reproductive isolation, 236, 237
Salmon (Oncorhynchus)
fecundity, 276
semelparity, 284–285
Salmonella enterica, 355
Salmonella typhimurium, 216
Saltations, 14, 46, 520–524
San Cristóbal mockingbird (Nesomimus
melanotis), 12
San people, 556
“Sanctions,” 299
Sand dollars, 502
Sandpipers, 46
Sapindaceae, 57
Sarcopterygii, 446, 447
Sarracenia purpurea (pitcher plant), 59
Saurischia, 456, 457
Sauropods, 456
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue, 559
Savannas, 460

Saxifraga cernua, 475
Saxifrage, 475
Scala naturae, 9
Scandentia, 408 , 461
Scaphiopus, 394
Scapula, 521, 522
Sceloporus undulatus, 241–242
Schetba, 51
Schistocerca, 384–385
Schistocerca gregaria (desert locust), 194
Schizosaccharomyces, 346
Schmeske, Douglas, 220–221
Science, nature of, 578–579
Scientific hypotheses, 578
Scientific theory, 8
Scinax clade, 486
Sciurus, 36–37
Sciurus carolinensis (eastern gray squirrel),
Sciurus griseus (western gray squirrel), 36–37
Scorpions, 305
Sea lilies, 459, 499
Sea stars, 444
Sea urchins, 502, 503
Seahorses, 254
Seals, 461
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI),
Seasonal isolation, 222
Secondary compounds, 329–330
Secondary contact, 237–238
Secondary palate, 518
Secondary sexual traits
defined, 251
sexual selection, 251–260 (see also Sexual
Sedimentary rock, 432, 433
Seed beetles, 278
Seed plants
colonization of land, 447
diversification in the late Paleozoic, 449
in plant phylogeny, 446
abortion of, 307
seed size and habitat correlation, 286, 287
Segment polarity genes, 378, 379
Segregation, gene mixing by, 83–85
Segregation distortion, 62, 228, 310–311
Seiurus, 506
Selaginellales, 446
Selection coefficient
defined, 110
deleteriousness of mutations, 93
estimating, 199, 200
strength of genetic drift and, 177, 178, 179
Selection differential, 145
Selection gradients
definition and description of, 143–144
directional selection and, 147
selection differential and, 145
Selective breeding. See Artificial selection
Selective constraint, 175
Selective interference, 270
Selective sweeps
definition and description of, 109–110

effects on patterns of polymorphism,
118–119, 175–176
Self-compatibility, 537–538
defined, 269
in Epithelantha micromeris, 248
outcrossing and, 269–270
plant dispersal and, 482
trends in plants, 537–538
Self-incompatibility, 269, 537–538
Selfish DNA, 310–312, 363
See also Transposable elements
Selfish genes, 63
Selfish genetic elements, 62–63
Selfish individuals, reciprocal cooperation
and, 298–299
Selfish interactions, 296
Selfish mitochondria, 312–313
Semelparity, 279, 282–283, 284–285
Semiaquilegia, 505
defined, 275
fitness and, 280–281
variability in, 275–276
Sepkoski, Jack, 495, 496–497, 509
Sequential hermaphroditism, 247, 248 ,
Serial homology, 528
Serially homologous modules, 373–374
Serpentes, 424 , 425
Sesamoids, 527
Sessile bivalves, 452
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence),
Setophaga, 506–507
defining males and females, 249–250, 251
introduction, 247–248, 249
reasons for, 263–268
selective interference and, 265–268
selfing and outcrossing, 269–270
sex ratio, 260–262
Sex change, 247, 248 , 286–287
Sex chromosomes
evolutionary correlation with sex ratio, 423
sex determination and, 249, 250
sex ratios and, 260
Sex combs, 529
Sex combs reduced (Scr) gene, 379 , 529
Sex determination
environmental, 249, 250 , 260
evolutionary correlation with sex ratios,
haplodiploid, 250 , 260, 261
Sex pheromones, 249
Sex ratios
discussion of, 260–262
evolutionary correlation with sex
determination, 423
operational, 254, 260
Sex role reversals, 254
Sexual conflict, speciation by, 229–230
Sexual dimorphisms, 249–250, 251
Sexual isolation, 221 , 222, 236–237
Sexual orientation, 595, 596

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