Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Species assemblages, convergent evolution
of, 341
Species diversity
effects of divergence and competition on,
estimating and modeling changes in,
limits to, 507–510
phylogenetic studies of, 502–507
studying in the fossil record, 494–495
See also Diversity
Species interactions
aposematism and mimicry, 327 , 328–329
coevolution and, 322–324
evolution and community structure,
evolution of competitive interactions,
evolution of enemies and victims, 324–334
introduction, 321, 322
mutualisms, 334–337
Species richness
defined, 493
ecological opportunity and, 502
variability in, 491–492
See also Species diversity
Species selection, 65, 504
Species tree, 40
Specific coevolution, 322, 323
Spencer, Herbert, 593
aggregates, 302
anisogamy, 249
gametic isolation, 223
selfish DNA in mice and, 310
speciation by sexual conflict, 229–230
sperm competition, 255–256
Sperm plug, 256
Spermatophores, 257
Spermophilus, 408
Spermophilus citellus (ground squirrel), 36–37
Spheniscus humboldti (Humboldt penguin), 66
Sphenopsida, 446
Sphinx moths, 321, 322 , 335, 394
Spider monkeys, 472
dispersal, 193
female choice, 257
Spiegelman, Sol, 436–437
Spiggin gene family, 351
Spike mosses, 446
Spines, humans and other apes compared,
Spinetails, 483
Spiny penis, 248
Spiteful interactions, 296, 304
Sponges, 275, 441
Spontaneous generation, 10
Spotted sunfish (Lepomis punctatus), 481
Springtails, 450
Squamates (Squamata), 424 , 425 , 455
Squamosal bone, 517 , 518, 519
Squashes (Cucurbitaceae), 286–287, 561

Squinting bush brown (Bicyclus anynana),
153, 154 , 388
Squirrel monkeys, 389 , 418
Squirrels, 322, 323 , 408 , 461
Stabilizing selection, 141, 142
Stag beetles, 255, 372
Stalk-eyed flies (Cyrtodiopsis), 311
Stamens, 525
Standing genetic variation, 119, 120 , 147–148,
Stanley, Steven, 498
Stapelia, 470
Staphylococcus aureus, 4
Staphylococcus lugdunensis, 585
Stasis, 534
Stearns, S. C., 589
Stebbins, G. Ledyard, 16, 17 , 484
Stegosaurinae, 457
Stem groups, 426
Stenocereus, 470
Sterility, cytoplasmic male sterility, 312–313
Stern, David, 523
Stickleback fish, 351
See also Three-spined stickleback
Stigmas, 269
Stirrup, 518, 519
Strata, 433
Strawberry poison dart frog (Dendrobates
pumilio), 80
Stress, human health and, 589
Striped whiptail lizard, 160
Stromatolites, 438
Structural mutations, 89–91
Stümpke, Harold, 390
Sturnus vulgaris (European starling), 297 , 474
Styracosaurus, 457
Subduction trenches, 432 , 433
Subfunctionalization, 353
Suboptimal design, 45
Suboscine birds, 472
Sugar gliders, 458
Sula leucogaster (brown booby), 308
Sunbirds, 49
chromosome translocations in, 125
domestication, 134 , 560 , 561
hybrid speciation, 38 , 233–234
number of species, 491
costs of reproduction, 278
evolution of population growth rate and
density, 281–287
senescence and, 280–281
sexual selection in males and, 252–253
Survivorship, 280
Sus, 408
Sus barbatus (bearded pig), 468
Sweet potato, 560
Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), 585
Swordfishes, 71
Swordtails, 258
Symbiosis, 322
Sympatric speciation, 235, 236 , 238–241

Sympatric species
biological species concept and, 216
diagnosing, 218–219
graded levels of gene exchange among,
hybridization, 217–218
reinforcement of reproductive isolation
and, 231–232
Symphonia globulifera, 480, 481
Symphonia nectarifera, 481
Symphonia verrucosa, 481
Symplocarpus, 472
Synapomorphy, 402
origin in the Permian, 450
origin of mammals and, 456, 518, 519
phylogeny of amniotes, 455
teeth, 374
Syncerus caffer (Cape buffalo), 320
Synonymous mutations
codon bias, 178
defined, 80, 81
dN/dS ratio and evidence for selection,
184–186, 355
effects on fitness, 93
MK test, 186
natural selection and the evolution of, 356
neutral theory of molecular evolution and,
as point mutations, 89
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 9
Systematics and the Origin of Species (Mayr), 16
Szathmáry, Eörs, 539

T1 virus, 95, 96
Tachigali vasquezii, 284
Tadarida brasiliensis (Mexican free-tailed bat),
Tadpoles, 155
Taeniolabis, 508
Taeniopygia guttata (zebra finch), 173, 176–177
Tanysiptera carolinae, 235
Tanysiptera galatea, 235
Tanysiptera riedelii, 235
Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), 263 , 264
Taricha granulosa (rough-skinned newt), 326,
Taro, 560 , 561
Tarsiers, 408
Tarsius, 408
Taxa (sing. taxon), 32
Taxonomy, 32
Tay-Sachs disease, 270
TCF7L2 gene, 566
in the evolution of cetaceans, 521
in the evolution of mammals, 517 , 518,
individualization and loss in mammals,
Teff, 560
Tegeticula, 334, 335

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