Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Teleogryllus oceanicus, 253
Teleost fishes
diversification in the Mesozoic, 452
neofunctionalization in, 352
origin in the ray-finned fishes, 446
sex determination, 250
effects on bristle number in Drosophila,
tolerance range, 288, 289
Tempo and Mode in Evolution (Simpson), 16
Temporal fenestra, 517 , 518
Temporal isolation, 221 , 222
Tenrecs, 408
Tension zones, 201–202
Teosinte, 119, 136
Termites, 308, 309 , 450 , 539
Terrapene carolina (eastern box turtle), 510
Tertiary period, 433, 434
in humans, 256
in polygamous and monogamous species,
Tethyan Seaway, 452
Tetraodon, 352
Tetraploidy, 91, 232–233
“Tetrapodomorph,” 448–449
diversification in the Carboniferous, 450
evolution of, 447–449
limb development, 380, 381
Tetrapus costaricensis, 262
Tetrodotoxin (TTX), 326, 327
Tettigoniidae (katydids), 257, 325
Thalassiosira, 346
Thalassoma bifasciatum (bluehead wrasse),
Thamnophis, 424
Thamnophis ordinoides, 142–143, 153
Thamnophis sirtalis, 326, 327
Theistic evolution, 577
“Theory of mind,” 549
Therapsids (Therapsida), 455 , 456, 518
Thermus aquaticus, 585
Theropod dinosaurs, evolution of birds from,
400 , 401, 402 , 415–416, 456, 516
Thomson, James, 336
Thoracic vertebrae, 391
Three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus
evolution by a cis-regulatory mutation,
382, 383
evolution of gene expression in, 357
gene trees of adaptation in, 418–419
genetic divergence between populations,
good genes mechanism, 259
local adaptation, 203–204
overdominance in, 122
parental care, 306
secondary contact and hybridization,
Thrinaxodon, 517 , 519
“Thrum” flowers, 87, 88
Thylacosmilus, 462

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), 312, 313
Thymine, 79, 356
Thymus vulgaris (thyme), 312, 313
Thyroxin, 374
Tibetan people, 186–187, 204
Tibia, 388, 389
Tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), 373 ,
Tigriopus californicus, 225
Tiktaalik rosea, 448–449
Tillandisa usneoides (Spanish moss), 472
Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), 424
Time and area hypothesis, 484–486
Time of divergence, estimating, 42–43
Time scales, of phylogenetic trees, 33
Timothy (Phleum pratense), 285
Tinamou, 415
“Tit for tat” strategy, 299
Titi monkeys, 418
Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), 97
Toads, 155
Tobacco, 567
Toes, 41–42
Tomatoes, 149 , 156–157
Tongue, 524–525
Tooby, John, 597
Tool making/tool use
chimpanzees, 549, 559
hominins, 552
non-humans, 559
Tracheae, 390
Trachelophorus giraffa, 492
Tracheophytes, 446
Trachops cirrhosus (fringe-lipped bat), 252
constraints on natural selection, 71–72
energetic, dispersal and, 205, 206
evolutionary, 116–117, 152
with life history traits, 277
in the number of offspring, 286, 287
with specialization, 289, 290
Tragopogon (goatsbeards), 232, 233
Tragopogon dubius, 233
Tragopogon mirus, 233
Tragopogon miscellus, 233
Tragopogon porrifolius, 233
Tragopogon pratensis, 233
Trans-regulatory elements
evolution by mutations in, 383–385
in gene regulation, 375
See also Transcription factors
methods of studying, 376–377
overview, 81–82
regulation of, 375–376, 377
Transcription factors (TRFs)
defined, 375
evolution by mutations in, 383–385
evolutionary changes in gene expression
and, 357
in gene regulation, 375
gene regulatory networks and pleiotropy,
Hox genes, 378–381
Transcriptomes, 376, 377

Transformational theory, 14
Transgenic organisms, 376, 586
Transition mutations, 95
Translation, 81–82
Transposable elements (transposons)
binding sites for transcription factors
embedded in, 383
definition and description of, 312, 362–364
genic selection and, 62
genome evolution and, 365
using to create transgenics, 376
Transversion mutations, 95
Tree finches, 29
Tree frogs (Hylidae), 485–486
Tree of Life, 18, 28–33
Tree shrews, 408 , 458 , 461
Trees, latitudinal diversity gradient, 486
in the history of life, 538–540
kinds and causes, 536–538
TRFs. See Transcription factors
Triassic period, 433
dinosaurs, 456
distribution of land masses in, 451
major events in, 434
marine life, 452
mass extinction, 452, 496, 498 , 500
Tribolium, 385
Tribolium castaneum, 314
Tribrachidium heraldicum, 441
Triceratops, 402 , 456, 457
Trichomes, in Drosophila, 523–524
Trifolium repens (white clover), 191, 192
Trigonocyrillium horodyskii, 439
Trilobites, 442, 443 , 444
Triploidy, 232
Triticum aestivum (bread wheat), 345, 365
Trivers, Robert, 298
Trochilidae, 49
Tropheus, 214
Trophy hunting, evolutionary effects of, 58–59
Tropical rainforests
convergent evolution, 341
impact of habitat destruction on, 587
Tropics, latitudinal diversity gradient, 484–486
Trudeau, Garry, 583
True bugs (Hemiptera), 404, 450
True flies. See Diptera
Trypanosomes, 440
TTX. See Tetrodotoxin
Tuataras, 455
Tuberculosis, 562
Tubulidentata, 461 , 492
Tulip trees, 472
Tumors. See Cancer
Túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus), 12 , 252
Tunicates, 346
Tupaia, 408
Turbo, 526
Turing, Alan, 374, 375
Turing model of diffusion, 374, 375
Tursiops, 408
evolution of the carapace, 521, 522

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